- She was all smiles at the news of her win. 她听到自己获胜的消息喜形於色。
- Twelve hours later she was all smiles again. 十二小时之后,她又喜笑颜开了。
- When seeing her fiance, she was all smiles. 当见到她的未婚夫时,她笑容满面。
- She was all smiles when she announced her engagement. 当她宣布订婚的消息时,她非常高兴。
- She was all smiles when she saw that nothing had happened to him. 看到他什么事儿也没有,她就立刻变得笑容满面。
- She was all smiles (= smiling a lot). 她笑容满面。
- When she came in, she was all smiles and the students were all eyes. 她进来时满脸笑容,学生们目不转睛地看着她。
- She was all smiles. 她满脸都是笑容。
- Tom was all smiles when he heard the news. 听到这消息,汤姆满面笑容。
- Nancy was all smiles when she saw Tom. 南希一见汤姆就满面笑容。
- She was all hung-up before the interview. 面试之前,她十分紧张。
- She was all nerves before the final exams. 她在期末考试之前非常紧张。
- He was all smiles when I met him next. 第二次碰见时他已经满脸笑容[不生气]了。
- He was all smiles at the good news. 他听到这个好消息时喜形于色。
- She was all kitted out with clothes for the holiday. 度假的衣物必需品,她都准备齐了。
- The girls were all smiles on hearing the good news. 姑娘们听到这个好消息都满脸堆笑。
- She was all hepped up about buying a pleasure-boat. 她一心想买一艘游艇。
- She was all the more inclined to snap at Hall. 她真想痛痛快快地骂霍尔几句。
- She was all impatience to be gone. 她十万火急地要走。
- After her illness she was all skin and bones. 她病后瘦得皮包着骨头。