- She suddenly burst into song. 她突然唱起歌来。
- "Aunt Pitty, please run and fix the bed and oo- oh," she suddenly burst into tears. "媚兰说。 "皮蒂姑妈,请您赶快去给他铺床。 啊----啊,"她突然大哭起来。
- He told me afterwards that when he had made his little speech she suddenly burst into tears. 事后他告诉我,他把意思说明以后,她突然哭了起来。
- Suddenly he burst into song(= started to sing). 突然间,他放声唱了起来。
- She burst into song with great gusto, several passengers immediately joined in. 她热情地唱了起来,几位乘客也跟着唱了。
- He suddenly burst into tears(= began to cry). 他突然放声大哭起来。
- She burst into song with great gusto,several passengers immediately joined in. 她热情地唱了起来,几位乘客也跟着唱了。
- She burst into song with great.gusto,several passengers immediately joined in. 她热情地唱了起来,几位乘客也跟着唱了。
- The leading car in the race suddenly burst into sight. 车赛中领头的那辆车突然出现了。
- He suddenly burst into laughter and dropped her arm. 他当即哈哈大笑起来,并放开了她的臂膀。
- She burst into song with great gusto,and several passengers immediately joined in. 她热情地唱了起来,几位乘客也跟着唱了。
- Mary, who has been nervous and jumpy lately, suddenly burst into tears. 玛丽最近一直很紧张,很容易激动;她突然大哭起来。
- Aunt Louise, who has been nervous and jumpy lately, suddenly burst into tears. 最近一直很紧张且易激动的路易丝阿姨突然大哭起来。
- When the prisoners burst into song, the prison warden was frightened. 当牢中难友突然放生大唱起来时,那个看守长吓坏了。
- Mary,who has been nervous and jumpy lately,suddenly burst into tears. 玛丽最近一直很紧张,很容易激动;她突然大哭起来。
- Aunt Louise,who has been nervous and jumpy lately,suddenly burst into tears. 最近一直很紧张且易激动的路易丝阿姨突然大哭起来。
- I glared at the dancing water, sprayed in the air, suddenly burst into tears. 我直直望着喷在空中,不断跳跃的水滴,突然掉泪。
- She burst into song. 她突然唱起歌来。
- You're right, I'm sorry. (Burst into song and dances out of the door.) "Once I was a wooden boy, a little wooden boy. 你说的没错,抱歉。(突然开始唱过并跳着舞的出了门。)"曾经我是个木头男孩,一个小木头男孩。
- Mack: That means that the actors periodically will dance about and burst into song. 音乐剧的意思是演员时不时的会跳会儿舞,突然唱会儿歌。