- She spoke to me excitedly. (她很兴奋地对我说。)
- She spoke to me by phone last night. 她昨晚与我通了电话。
- She spoke to me as if she knew me. 她和我说话的神情,好像她早就认识我似的。
- She spoke to me in an imperious voice. 她用傲慢的口气对我说话。
- She speaks to me in a family way. 她对我说话和家里人一样随便。
- That night, Master appeared in my dream. She spoke to me and saved me from danger, and I felt truly blessed! But that was just the beginning. 当晚睡觉时,师父就出现在梦中,告诉我一些事情,并替我解危,我实在是太幸福了!
- She spoke to me frankly about her frustrations and difficulties, and many unanswered questions in her life, which revealed her desire to seek enlightenment. 她坦诚地告诉我她在生活上所遭遇的挫折和困扰,以及一些许久找不到答案的疑问,无形中表达了她想获得开悟解脱的渴望!
- She spoke to me stiffly. 她对我说话很生硬。
- She spoke to me. 她对我说。
- Spoke to me under the guise of friendship. 伪装成友善的样子对我说话
- My mother often spoke to me about you. 家母常和我谈起你。
- Spoke to me in the lingo of fundamentalism. 用原教旨主义的行话与我交谈
- She spoke to the child in her soft Irish singsong. 她操着一口轻柔而抑扬顿挫的爱尔兰腔跟那个孩子说话。
- She spoke to her with tenderness. 她对她讲话很亲切。
- She spoke to us from Geneva Switzerlandsensory. 她在瑞士,日内瓦与我们进行了对话。
- She spoke to us from Jeniwa (Geneva) Switzerland. 她在瑞士日内瓦跟我们进行了对话。
- She spoke to us in her conscious moments. 她神志清醒时跟我们说过话。
- scarcely had I seen her than she spoke to me 我刚看到她,她就对我说起来
- She spoke to Grist through a translator. 我们的领导人受到威胁,而有些遭到暗杀。
- "And don't speak to me like that!" she flared up. 她生气地说道:"不要那样对我说话!"