- She slid into the classroom. 她悄悄进了教室。
- Charles reached over to open it for her and she slid into the seat beside him. 查尔斯侧过身来给她打开门,她在他旁边的座位上坐了下来。
- He slid into the classroom while the teacher was writing on the blackboard. 当老师在黑板上写字时,他偷偷地溜进教室。
- She slid into the room. 她趁人不注意溜进房间。
- She slid the key into the keyhole. 她利索地将钥匙插进锁眼。
- She slid a coin into the drawer. 她轻轻地把一枚硬币塞到抽屜里。
- She went into the classroom as the bell rang. 铃响的时候, 她进了教室。
- A boy rushed into the classroom in the middle of the exam. 考试中间,有个男孩冲进了教室。
- She slid out of the classroom. 她从教室里悄悄地溜走了。
- Quickly we slid into the brush and then watched. 我们赶快溜进灌木丛里,观察动静。
- The boy slid into the bad habit of smoking. 这男孩不知不觉地沾染上抽烟的坏习惯。
- The boys crashed into the classroom. 那些男孩稀里哗啦地进出教室里。
- It's easy for him to slide into the crime again. 他很容易再犯罪。
- The boys stopped their clatter when the teacher came into the classroom. 老师走进教室时,男孩子们停止喧哗。
- The teacher came storming into the classroom determined to punish the naughty children. 老师气冲冲地闯进教室,决意要处罚顽皮的孩子们。
- With his head lowered, he came into the classroom. 他低着头,走进教室。
- She swung her tail and slid into the boundless blue ocean. 她摇着尾巴;滑入一望无际的蓝色大洋.
- They came into the classroom in turn. 他们依次走进了教室。
- They went into the classroom laughing loudly. 他们大笑着走进了教室。
- She slid out of the room when no one was looking. 她趁没人看见的时候溜出了房间。