- She slept herself sober. 她睡了一觉清醒了。
- She slept the night in the attic. 她在阁楼里睡了一晚。
- Here she slept at night,during the day she amused herself on a table, where the woman had placed a plateful of water. 这使得拇指姑娘感到非常难过,她非常喜爱一切鸟儿。
- Her eyelids flickered as she slept. 她睡觉时眼睑不停地眨动。
- She struck down Grace Poole as she slept. 她趁普尔睡着时把她打昏了。
- She was so exhausted that she slept at once. 她是那样疲乏不堪,马上就睡着了。
- She slept for eight hours last night. 她昨晚睡了8小时。
- She slept for twelve hours at a time. 她连续睡了十二个小时。
- She slept badly, awoke tired and pale. 她睡得很不好, 醒来时满身疲惫, 面色苍白。
- She slept for eight hours last night . 她昨晚睡了8小时。
- She sleeps by day and works by night. 她白天睡觉,夜间工作。
- She slept soundly of nights without a dream. 她晚上经常睡得很熟,不作梦。
- At night she slept under the tree. 到了晚上,她就在树下睡觉。
- She spent all night in prayer and contemplation chiding herself if she slept for it took her away from her active Love of God. 她花一整个晚上在祈祷和沉思,如果睡着了,她会因为没有礼拜而远离了对上帝的爱而自责不已。
- She slept the sleep of exhaustion. 她因疲劳而酣睡。
- Can she sleep at your place tonight? 今晚能让她在你那儿过夜吗?
- She was so tired that she slept late into the next morning. 她累得一直睡到第二天上午。
- She slept untill the flight was losing altitude for landing. 她一直睡到飞机降低高度准备着陆。
- Being tired from a whole day's journey,she slept like a log. 由于整天旅行的疲劳,她睡得死沉死沉的。
- She slept at her desk for short periods during the day. 她白天在办公桌上睡了一会儿。