- She scuffled after him. 她在他后面匆忙地追赶着。
- She stared after him as he left her. 她目不转睛地看着他离她而去。
- They scuffled after quarrelling. 大吵大闹之后他们又扭打在一起。
- She pounded along the corridor after him. 她跟着他在走廊里咚咚地走过。
- She teetered after him in her high-heeled shoes. 她穿着高跟鞋一步三晃地跟在他后面走。
- She scuffled with photographers as she left her hotel. 在离开所住的旅馆时,她和一些摄影记者发生了冲突。
- He was left alone, with no one to look after him. 留下他孤苦伶仃一个人,没人照顾。
- His mother looked after him as well as she could. 他的母亲尽可能好好照顾他。
- She made after him like a mad woman. 她象个疯女人似的追赶他。
- She used to follow after him wherever he went. 以前, 他走到哪里, 她总是跟到哪里。
- The boy trailed a toy horse after him. 男孩将一匹玩具马拖在身后。
- I've sent after him and hope he will get the message. 我已派人送信给他了解,希望他会得到这个信。
- Nobody told him to leave. Send after him and bring him back. 没人让他离开,派人去把他追回来。
- When she scuffled with the police,she tore the sleeves of one policeman's jacket. 在同警察的扭打中,她撕破了一个警察上衣的袖子。
- She looked after him as he walked toward the railway station. 她目送他走向火车站。
- She scuffled with police on Tiananmen Square, protested the visits of Chinese leaders to the White House, and calls the U. 她曾经在天安门广场与中国警察发生冲突;中国领导人访美时白宫外的抗议示威人群中也有她的身影;她还把美中贸易关系称作是“一场灾难”。
- The good which he did will live after him. 他生前做的好事将永留人世。
- She stared after him as he left her,tears blinding her eyes. 他离开后她紧盯着,泪水蒙住了眼晴。
- The general's feats will live after him. 将军的伟绩将永留人世。
- I called after him three or four times. 我在他后面叫了三四次。