- She pressed down the lid. 她把盖子按了下去。
- She pressed down the hammer, and off they went. 她踩了一下油门,车就开走了。
- She pressed down hard on the gas pedal. 她用力踩下油门踏板。
- He snapped down the lid of the box. 他砰的一声把箱子盖合上了。
- She slammed down the lid of a trunk . 她砰地一声关上了箱盖。
- Please tack down the lid of the box. 请将箱盖钉牢。
- She slammed down the lid of a trunk. 她砰地一声关上了箱盖。
- Please hammer down the lid first . 他先用钉子把盖子钉牢。
- He pressed down the accelerator pedal of his car . 他踩下汽车的加速器踏板。
- Please shut down the lid of a box. 请关上箱盖。
- He slammed down the lid of a trunk. 他砰地一声关上箱盖。
- He snapped down the lid of the box . 他啪哒一声关上箱子盖。
- He pressed down the accelerator pedal of his car. 他踩下汽车的加速器踏板。
- Everything looked exactly the same as I'd left it. I pressed down on the top of the CD player. The latch unhooked, and the lid slowly swung open. 屋里还和我离开时一样。我按下播放器一头的键,解开仓闩,仓盖缓缓打开。
- He hammered down the lid of the packing case. 他把包装箱钉好。
- He pressed the knob and the lid flew open. 他揿了揿按钮,盖子就猛地弹开了。
- He racked his camera and pressed down the shutter release. 他将照相机的焦距调好,然后按下快门。
- He tacked down the lid of the box. 他往下钉住箱子的盖子。
- Please hammer down the lid first. 他先用钉子把盖子钉牢。
- Look, all you do is to press down the button. 看,你只要按下按钮就可以了。