- She now leaner than formerly. 她现在比以前更瘦。
- She now than formerly more not talkative. 她现在比以前较不健谈。
- She sings wronger than formerly. 她唱得比以前差。
- She now likes to ski rather than skate. 与滑冰相比,她现在更喜欢滑雪。
- Have its competitors become leaner than it has? 竞争对手的表现是不是更差?
- She now have authority over the people she used to take order from. 她现在有权力支配那些一贯向她发号施令的人。
- Fewer people study Latin today than formerly. 现在学拉丁文的人比从前少了。
- She now has authority over the people she used to take orders from. 她现在有权力支配那些一贯向她发号施令的人。
- Less people study Latin today than formerly. 现在学习拉丁语的人比以前少。
- She was born in London, but she now looks on Paris as her home. 她生在伦敦,但现在把巴黎看成是她的家乡。
- Now lean back a little. I'm going to shave your face. 请往后靠一点,我要给您刮脸了。
- Fewer people study Latin today than formerly . 同从前相比,现在学拉丁语的人很少了。
- She now wished she had never seen Harriet Smith. 现在她真希望自己从来不认识哈里特·史密斯。
- She now and then drowsed away into a half sleep. 她时而打盹,似睡非睡。
- C,however,is 10,000 poorer than formerly; and nobody is richer. 丙则比以前要少拥有一万镑,而没有人会比以前富有。
- I'm glad to see you keep better society than formerly. 看到你现在交的朋友比以前强了,我还是高兴的。
- She now lies at rest in the churchyard. 她现在长眠在教堂墓地里。
- He is at 7 families returned , and omits than formerly long ago . 他是7点回的家,比以前略早。
- She now realizes that she misjudged him. 她现在意识到她错看了他。
- Explosions sound solid, taut and precise, if a little leaner than the competition at this price point. 爆破声都听上去扎实有形、紧张而精准,但在这个价位上,和它的竞争对手比,似乎有点结像形状偏瘦小。