- She never talks at table. 她在吃饭时从不说话。
- Mary is very gentle; she never talks roughly. 玛丽很文雅,她从来不说粗话。
- She was proud that she never talked with a Yankee. 她很骄傲她从来没有和北方佬说过话。
- It is a bad habit to talk at table. 吃饭时说话是个坏习惯。
- She never talk with me except for something. 除了要些东西她从来不和我说话。
- She never talks to me. She always has her nose in the air. 她从来不和我说话,总是一副高傲自大的样子。
- And then I did, and now she never talks to me, except to come back for more. 后来我跟她做了,现在除了回来要我再跟她做爱,她见了我也不跟我说话。
- She is always so surly; she never smiles at anyone. 她总是那麽个坏脾气,对谁也没有一个笑脸。
- She never talked too loudly of earls and countesses. 她从来没有过份高声地谈到伯爵和伯爵夫人。
- She never talks dirty, neither. 可是她从不讲脏话。
- He seldom talks at table. 他进餐时很少说话。
- The Roberts were at table when I called. 我造访时,罗伯特一家正在吃饭。
- Children must learn to behave at table. 小孩吃饭时必须有规矩。
- They like to talk at table. 他们喜欢在吃饭时谈话。
- There were two servants waiting at table. 有两名佣人在伺候进餐。
- It is impolite to blow your nose at table. 在吃饭时擦鼻涕是不礼貌的。
- She claims she never sought the limelight. 她说她从不爱出风头。
- We will talk at large about it later. 我们以后对这个再作详尽探讨。
- She's always talking at me instead of with me. 她从来不是与我交谈,总是冲著我叽叽呱呱说个不停。
- The hostess presided at table with tact and urbanity. 女主人招待客人进餐时风雅而又得体。