- She never shows her feelings. 她的感情从不外露。
- She never showed her face again. 她再也没有露过面。
- Vernon zhong: ( zhao shisan: Do not see she's not afraid anything. In fact, she can't say boo to a goose. She never shows her real feeling in front of strangers. 仲天骐:(赵十三:你不要看她一副天不怕,地不怕的样子,其实她胆子很小,她从来不会在陌生人面前流露出真的情绪。
- She never raised the curtain on her feelings. 她从不让感情外露。
- "She hated to show her feelings" (John Galsworthy). “她厌恶流露她的情感” (约翰·高尔斯华绥)。
- She hated to show her feelings, and found it difficult. 她不喜欢表露自己的感情,也感到难于表露。
- She never showed much consideration for my feelings. 她从不太体谅我的感受。
- She was terrified of saying something that would make her betray herself (= show her feelings or who she was). 她害怕说话时泄了自己的底。
- We waited and waited, but she never showed up. 我们等了又等,可是她始终没有露面。
- Manya recited the prayer in a low voice, careful not to show her feelings. 玛妮雅低声背诵了主祷文,谨慎地不流露自己的感情。
- But she never showed it.It's very easy to satisfy her.Just a braised pork rice with egg would make her so happy.She is very badtempered when designing. 可是她偏偏又爱逞强,她从来不会在陌生人面前流露出真的感情,还有她很容易满足,只要一碗卤肉饭加个蛋,她就可以吃得很开心。
- She seldom showed her feelings. 她很少表露感情。
- She never showed off her wealth, said Zhang Xuezhen, 57, a widow who lives opposite the Tians' three-roomed brick house at the north end of the village. 57岁的寡妇张学珍(音译)住在村北田文华的3间砖房对面。她说,“她从来不炫富。”
- "She never showed off her wealth," said Zhang Xuezhen, 57, a widow who lives opposite the Tians' three-roomed brick house at the north end of the village. 57岁的寡妇张学珍(音译)住在村北田文华的3间砖房对面。她说,“她从来不炫富。”
- She is always so surly; she never smiles at anyone. 她总是那麽个坏脾气,对谁也没有一个笑脸。
- She is very shy. She doesn't like to show her face. 她非常怕羞,她不喜欢抛头露面。
- She never showed favoritism to one daughter over the other, as not to cause jealousy or bitterness between sisters. 她从没偏爱任何一个女儿,这样就不会在姐妹间引起嫉妒或仇恨。
- She tried to dam up her feelings. 她尽力控制自己的感情。
- She thumped out of the door to show her anger. 她砰砰地走出门去,以示愤怒。
- She only has those books for show she never reads them. 她的那些书只是装门面的--她从来不看。