- She loves to paint portraits. 她喜爱画人物肖像。
- She loves to gossip to her neighbors. 她喜欢议论邻居们的是非长短。
- She loves to be the centre of interest. 她喜欢成为人们注意的中心。
- She loves to peddle gossip round the village. 她喜欢在村里到处说闲话。
- He loves to paint pictures--water-colours. 他喜欢画水彩画。
- She loves to pose when men are around. 当有男人在四周时她喜欢装腔作势,故作姿态。
- I would love to be able to paint. 我希望我会画画。
- She loves to parade all her furs. 她喜欢展示她所有的皮衣服。
- She loves to potter in the garden. 她喜欢在花园里干一些琐碎活。
- She loves to bait him about his male vanity . 她爱戏弄他的男性虚荣心。
- She loves to gossip about her neighbours. 她喜欢议论邻居的是非长短。
- She loves to bait him about his male vanity. 她爱戏弄他的男性虚荣心。
- She loves to talk with peasants. 她喜欢和农民聊天。
- Many artists love to paint pictures of the scenic countryside. 许多画家喜欢将风光明媚的乡村景色入画。
- She loves to play all kinds of musical instruments. 她喜欢玩各种乐器。
- She loves to spend hours cooking in the kitchen. 她喜欢花时间在厨房研究烹饪。
- His services were sought by Peter I the Great of Russia, the queen of Sweden, and Louis XV, who commissioned him to paint portraits of his dogs and appointed him official painter of the royal hunts. 乌德里为俄国沙皇彼得大帝、瑞典王后和路易十五世设计了一系列描绘路易十五世狩猎的挂毯。又任皇家狩猎正式画师。
- She loves to talk,dance and entertain. 她喜欢谈话、跳舞和招待客人。
- She loves to have a lot of dogs round her. 她喜欢有许多狗在她周围。
- She loves to have some small talk with the neighbors. 她喜欢与邻居聊家常。