- She looked on benevolently. 她亲切地站在一边看着。
- She look on the governorship as a steppingstone to the presidency. 她把州长之职当作进身总统职位的踏脚石。
- She looked on the governorship as a steppingstone to the presidency. 她把州长之职当作进身总统职位的踏脚石。
- She looked on politicians with a jaundiced eye. 她对政治家有偏见。
- She looked on him as a very great scholar. 她认为他是一位伟大的学者.
- She looked on as the letter got blown away by the wind. 她眼看着信被风吹跑了。
- She looked on the governorship as a stepping-stone to the presidency. 她把州长之职当作进身总统职位的踏脚石。
- All through,she looked on them lonely in a long distance,just like separated serval miles obstacle . 但自始至终,她都是孤零零地远远观望,仿佛是隔了一道几里长的障碍。
- She looked in on us [at our office]once in a while. 每隔些时候,她都到我们这儿[办公室]来一趟。
- She was always looked on with distrust. 人家对她总是不信任。
- She looked at him with hate in her eyes. 她以憎恨的目光看着他。
- She had a forlorn look on her face. 她脸上有一种孤独的神情。
- She looked on the roof, in the trees, in the drains, under the bed, in the pantry. 她看看房顶,看看树里面,看看排水沟里面,看看床下,看看院子。
- She's looked on as the leading authority on the subject. 她被认为是该问题的主要权威。
- I used to look on him as a friend. 我以前把他看作是一位朋友。
- She looked at me rather askance. 她不悦地瞟了我一眼。
- I look on the matter as most unusual. 我认为这件事极不寻常。
- She looked small by the side of her companion. 她和她的同伴在一起时,她显得矮小。
- The old woman have a careworn look on her face.. 老妇脸上露出忧心忡忡的神色。
- She looked at me without expression. 她毫无表情地朝我看着。