- She looked at me approvingly. 她用赞同的眼光看了看我。
- She looked at me rather askance. 她不悦地瞟了我一眼。
- She looked at me without expression. 她毫无表情地朝我看着。
- She looked at me with an evil eye. 她怒气冲冲地看着我。
- She looked at me with her big, childlike eyes. 她瞪著一双天真的大眼睛看著我。
- She looked at me with an expression of hatred. 她面带憎恨的表情看着我。
- She look at me queerly and do not seem to know how to answer. 她以奇异的目光望着我,似乎不知道如何回答。
- She looked at me, setting her face like a statue. 她面无表情,直直地瞪着我。
- She looked at me in mute appeal. 她以恳求的目光默默地望着我。
- She looked at me with hate in her eyes. 她用憎恨的目光瞧着我。
- She looked at me with challenge. 她带着挑战的目光看着我。
- She looked at me and cried harder and harder. 她看着我并且哭得越来越厉害。
- She looked at me with her little shiny eyes. 她那一双小而明亮的眼睛端详着我。
- She looked at me squarely in the eye. 她直直地看着我的眼睛。
- She looked at me with just a suggestion of a smile. 她看着我,脸上带着一丝笑意。
- She looked at me with piercing blue eyes. 她用一双敏锐的蓝眼睛盯着我。
- But she look at me and cry harder and harder. 但是她看着我并哭得越来越厉害。
- But she looked at me and cried harder and harder. 但是她看着我并哭得越来越厉害
- When I told Millie the good news, she looked at me. 时,她开心地看着我。
- She looked at me with a grim smile. 她冷笑地看着我。