- She looked at him sadly. 她很难过地看著他。
- She looked at him with hate in her eyes. 她以憎恨的目光看着他。
- She looked at him in an adoring manner. 她以崇拜的眼神看着他。
- She looked at him all dewy-eyed with love. 她用一双水汪汪的眼睛深情地看着他。
- She looked at him with the color gone from her face. 她凝视着他,脸上毫无血色。
- She looked at him with an ingenuous smile. 她带着天真的微笑望着他。
- She looked at him approvingly and smiled. 她面带微笑赞许地望着他。
- She looked at him with empty eyes. 她用呆板的眼光望着他。
- She looked at him in mild surprise. 她略带吃惊地看着他。
- She looked at him with astonishment. 她诧异地望着他。
- She looked at him uncomprehendingly. 她一脸茫然地注视着他。
- She looked at him with a defiant air. 她用蔑视的神情望着他。
- She looked at him with contempt. 她轻蔑地看着他。
- She looked at him with startled eyes. 她用吃惊的目光看着他。
- She looked at him flabbergasted. 她目瞪口呆地看着他。
- She looked at him over her shoulder. 她转过头去看了他一眼。
- She looked at him with a sort of amused wonder. 她以一种乐滋滋的惊异目光望着他。
- She looked at him with adoring eyes. 她用崇敬的目光看着他。
- She looked at him with her eyes full of tears. 她看着他,眼眶里满是泪水。
- She looked at him with interest. 她很有兴趣地看着他。