- She lives in southern Italy. 她住在义大利南部。
- Political events in Southern Italy gathered head again. 意大利南部的政治情况又到了紧要关头。
- She lives in seclusion apart from her friend. 她远离朋友,过隐居生活。
- She lives in a world of make-believe. 她生活在娇揉造作的世界里。
- She lives in blissful wedding glory. 她过着幸福的婚姻生活。
- She lives in a grotty little room with nowhere to cook. 她住在一间龌龊的斗室内,连做饭的地方都没有。
- She lives in mortal terror of her husband's anger. 她极度害怕她丈夫发脾气。
- She lives in a quiet corner of Yorkshire. 她住在约克郡的一个僻静的地区。
- Political events in Southern Italy again came to a head. 意大利南部的政治情况重又紧张起来。
- She lives in the house to the right. 她住在右边的房子里。
- She lives in the same project, one flight up. 她住在同一幢住宅内,再上一层楼就是她家。
- She lives in a ten thousand strong Chinese community. 她住在一个足有一万人的华人社区。
- She lives in that house among the trees. 她住在树林中的那座房子里
- She lives in one of the flat over there. 她住在那边公寓的一套房子里。
- She lives in the opposite house. 他住在对面那幢房子里。
- In 2002, a school in Molise, in southern Italy, collapsed during a tremor, killing 27 children and their teacher. 2002年,意大利南部莫利塞的一所学校在地震中倒塌,27名学生和他们的一位老师遇难。
- She lives in a totally artificial world. 她完全生活在一个人为制造的环境中。
- The vessel, loaded with 26,000 tons of diesel fuel, was on its way from northern France to Livorno in southern Italy. 事故发生时,该油船正满载26,000柴油自法国北部驶往意大利南部的里窝那。
- Born in Crotone in southern Italy in 1963, he spent most of his youth in Rome, where he studied design at the Academy. 1963年,出生于意大利南部的克努托内。年轻的时候,他大部分时间是在罗马的一所学院里学习设计。
- She lives in the bungalow besides the oak tree. 她住在橡树边的平房里。