- She lapsed into silence again. 她又沉默下来。
- After supper the quarrel lapsed into silence. 晚饭后争吵逐渐平息下来了。
- We talked nonstop at first, but soon lapsed into silence. 开始我们谈个不停,但过不多久我们陷入了沈默。
- He had relapsed into silence again. 他再一次陷入沉默。
- But a few months later she lapsed into depression again and had to take some time off work and undergo psychiatric treatment, which didn’t help much. 可是几个月后她又一次陷入了沮丧之中,而且不得不撇下工作进行心理治疗,但收效甚微。
- Cameron had relapsed into silence again. 卡梅伦再度陷于沉默。
- We talk nonstop at first,but soon lapsed into silence. 开始我们谈个不停,但过不多久我们陷入了沉默。
- We talked nonstop at first,but soon lapsed into silence. 开始我们谈个不停,但过不多久我们陷入了沉默。
- She lapsed into a coma. 她逐渐陷入昏迷状态。
- We talk nonstop at first, but soon lapsed into silence. 开始我们谈个不停,但过不多久我们陷入了沈默。
- All sank into silence again, and again there was a sound as of popping squibs. 枪声齐鸣,有时却又快速地一声接一声,接连响了好几枪。
- The once bombastic orator had himself lapsed into silence; in fact Benito Mussolini made only four public speeches during the entire course of the war. 那个曾经夸夸其辞的演说家缄默不语;实际上,贝尼托?墨索里尼在整个战争时期只进行了四场公开的演讲。
- Zheng has told you that Dr.An had some equipment and notes taken from her by the guards.Before she lapsed into unconsciousness, she told Zheng that she was very close to a cure. 阿郑告诉你守卫取走了安医生的一些设备和笔记,在她失去意识前曾告诉自己她就快找出一个治疗的方法。
- The gun began to lapse into silence. 炮声已开始沉寂了。
- she said with a sigh, and like me lapsed into silence. 微微的叹了一声之后,她就不说话了。
- She lapsed from virtue into vice. 她堕落了。
- She lapsed from virtue into vice . 她堕落了。
- Stadium and atmosphere Noise is much more concentrated than at the old, wide-open Bridge but the home crowd readily lapses into silence unless inspired. 比起更开阔的老球场,现在球场里的声势更加浩大,但除非群情激昂主队球迷很快陷入一片寂静。如果可以选择的话,请坐在南看台上半区。
- We talk nonstop at first, but soon lapsed into silence 开始我们谈个不停,但过不多久我们陷入了沈默
- The once bombastic orator had himself lapsed into silence; 那个曾经夸夸其辞的演说家缄默不语;