- She knotted her fingers. 她把手指交织在一起。
- She knotted her things into a bundle. 她把东西扎成一捆。
- She interlaced her fingers with mine. 她使她的手指和我的手指交错。
- She ran her fingers nervously through her hair. 她紧张地用手指拢著头发。
- She snapped her fingers at the local gossip. 她对当地的流言蜚语置之不理。
- She poked her finger into the hole. 她把手指插入孔中。
- She dabbled her fingers in the fountain. 她用手指在喷泉中玩水。
- She twirled a strand of hair round her finger. 她把一绺头发卷绕在手指上。
- She cut her finger on some broken glass. 她被碎玻璃划破了手指。
- She crumbled an empty snail shell in her fingers. 她用手指捏碎了一个空蜗牛壳。
- She let the chance slip through her fingers. 她坐失良机。
- She cut her finger on a piece of broken glass. 她被一块碎玻璃划伤了手指。
- She got her finger pricked by a thorn. 她的手指被刺扎了一下。
- She gave him a prod with her finger. 她用手指戳了他一下。
- She twists the young man around her finger. 她任意摆布那个小伙子。
- She knotted the end of the thread. 她在线的末端打了一个结。
- She twists the young man round her finger. 她任意摆布那个小伙子。
- She caught her finger in the door. 她的一只手指被门夹住了。
- She sat twiddling the ring on her finger. 她坐在那儿捻弄手指上的戒指。
- When she took her finger away from the knot,it all came undone. 她一从结上把手指移开,结就散了。