- She is sick at heart. 她心里烦闷。
- She is sick at failing to pass the examination. 考试未能及格,她感到很遗憾。
- She felt sick at heart when she heard the bad news. 她听到这不幸的消息感到很难过。
- She left her home reluctantly and sick at heart. 她依依不舍地离开了家,心情很沉重。
- The old women was sick at heart at the thought of that. 这个老妇人一想到那件事就伤心。
- Basil is sick at heart. 巴兹尔很悲观。
- She is at heart an ardent reformer. 她实际上是个热心的改革家。
- I felt sick at heart when I saw how much she was hurt. 看到她受到那般伤害我心里特别难受。
- Because she is sick, she does not come to work. 因为她生病,所以她没来上班。
- Because she is sick,she does not come to work. 因为她生病,所以她没来上班。
- She is the best in the world until she is sick. 她是世界上最健康的妻子,除非她生了病。
- Cold and sick at heart, I answered him. 我忍着身上的寒冷和心头的酸涩回答他。
- She is sick with me for being so late. 她对我来得这样迟感到不高兴。
- Sharon is sick, therefore she is not working today. 莎伦病了,所以她今天不上班。
- I am sick at heart with all this trash. I will bear no more. 所有这些枯燥无聊的废话实在叫我讨厌,我再也受不了啦。
- Whether she is sick or fine, she is always cheerful. 不管她生不生病,她总是开开心心的。
- She knew what their whispers were about, grew sick at heart, and felt what she could come to church no more. 她知道他们低声谈的是什么,心里难过起来,觉得再也不能到教堂里来了。
- The leader was sick at heart as he thought of the backslidings among his fellows. 这位领导人一想到手下人离心离德就忧心忡忡,十分不安。
- Her modesty is all put on,at heart she is very vain. 她的谦虚全是假装的,其实她内心里很爱虚荣。
- Her modesty is all put on; at heart she is very vain. 她的谦逊全是假装的, 内心里她是很虚荣的。