- She is free of him. 她摆脱了他。
- She is always talking about her son. She thinks the world of him. 她总是谈论自己的儿子,认为他非常了不起。
- Window-shopping is free of charge. 浏览商店橱窗是免费的。
- The food on board is free of charge. 飞机上的食品是免费供应的。
- This lake is free of ice in the winter. 这个湖冬天不结冰。
- She is free on Friday and Saturday. 她周五和周六有空。
- No, this service is free of charge. 不需要,该服务是免费的。
- She is free to come and go as she pleases. 她可以随心所欲地自由往返。
- The boy was kicking like crazy to get free of him. 这个男孩拼命地踢着,以求摆脱他。
- The application is free of charge. 申请费用全免。
- She likes to wreathe flowers into ornaments when she is free. 她有时喜欢把花扎成装饰物。
- A membership at Freeride is free of charge! /Freeride社区的成员资格是免费的!
- With so Haozhuan ? Credible? ? Is free of charge? 问:有这么好赚?可信吗?是免费的吗?
- Don't you know this bok is free of charge? 难道你不知道这本书是免费的?
- When she is free, she would like to do some reading. 她有空时喜欢读读书。
- Find a quiet relaxing place and is free of all distractions. 找一块平静和放松的地方,从所有分心事物中释放出来。
- Within a period of one year, any repair is free of charge. 在一年的保证期内,修理费用全免。
- She is one of the best hurdlers in the world. 她是世界上最优秀的跨栏选手之一。
- More crucial point, PPS streaming media server is free of charge. 更为关键的一点,PPS流媒体服务器是免费的。
- The priest realised he had been tricked. He beat her as he drove her away forever. At last she was free of him and mistress of her own fate. 牧师意识到他被骗了。他打了女人,赶走了她。女人最终获得了自由,成了她自己的主人。