- Don't scold him; he is a mere child. 别责备他,他只不过是个孩子。
- She is a mere child. 她只是一个孩子。
- She is a mere three-year-old kid. 她仅仅是个三岁的小孩。
- His conduct is a mere cover-up for his nervousness. 他的行为只是为了掩护他的紧张。
- She is a receptionist in a doctor's office. 她在一位医生的诊所中担任接待员。
- Mere: a. Nothing more than; no better or more important than She is a mere. 她还只是个孩子。
- Your hope of promotion is a mere delusion. 你提升的希望只不过是一种幻觉。
- She is a proverb for inaccuracy. 她做事马虎是出了名的。
- She is a good wife and a devoted mother. 她是一位贤妻良母。
- She must look at everything from its dollar-and-cent point of view, or she is a mere romancer. 她必须从一块钱或一分钱的观点,锱铢计较地看待每一件事物,否则她只是不切实际的空想家。
- She is a good listener at class. 在课堂上,她是个认真听讲的人。
- He is a ruler without power, a mere fly on the wheel. 他是一个没有实权的统治者,只是徒有虚名而已。
- She is a marriage guidance counselor. 她是婚姻问题的顾问。
- She is a respectable married woman. 她是个受人尊敬的已婚妇女。
- She is a very discerning art critic. 她是位眼光敏锐的艺术评论家。
- She is a member of the Royal College of Nursing. 她是皇家护士协会的会员。
- A bare trustee is a mere passive depositary. 被动受托人只不过是消极受托人。
- She is a distant cousin of mine. 她是我的远房表妹。
- She is a leading light in the theatre. 她是这个剧院里的头面人物。
- She is a secretary in our company. 她是我们公司的一位秘书。