- She has always loved gardening. 她一直喜爱园艺.
- Pat has always loved gardening. 帕特一直喜爱园艺。
- Jerry was seven then and she had had to manage him alone, had sometimes failed him , had sometimes been burdened too greatly, but she had always loved him. 杰里当时只有七岁,她不得不独自照顾他,她曾经让杰里失望过,也曾经觉得自己负担过重,但她一直很爱他。
- She has always been desirous of fame. 她一直想成名。
- She has always looked up to her father. 她一向崇敬父亲。
- I have always loved you and I know I always will. 我一直爱着你,我知道我将永远爱着。
- Jane sends her regards. She has always had a weak spot for you. 简捎信问候你,她总是特别喜爱你。
- But she had loved Cal, would always love him. 可是她太爱卡巴顿了,会永远爱他。
- I have always loved watching Liverpool play. 我总是喜欢看红军的比赛。
- Please believe I married, I have always loved you. (请你相信我老公,我一直爱的是你。
- She has always been a sucker for romantic movies. 她从古至今对浪漫的电影都很入迷。
- She has always been her own woman. 她一向很独立
- She has always been a wayward individual. 她一直是个任性的人。
- She has always devoted herself to her music. 她一向专心研究音乐。
- She has always got a worry list a mile long. 她总是忧虑重重。
- She has always been a bit of a rebel. 她总是有点桀骜不驯.
- She has always been scrupulously fair. 她总是一丝不苟地秉公办事。
- She has always been an omnivorous reader. 她一向阅读兴趣广泛。
- She has always envied my success. 她一直忌妒我的成功。
- She has always excelled in foreign languages. 她的外语从来都是出类拔萃。