- She got old before her time. 她过早地衰老了。
- She was a woman grown old before her time(= who looked older than she was). 她显得未老先衰。
- She got cold feet before her wedding. 她在婚礼前很紧张。
- He immediately spent all this money for his wife. At that time, maybe she was already old. But maybe her power as she got older was even stronger. 国王为了妻子花这么多钱,也许当时皇后已经老了,因此也就变得更有权力了。
- As she got older and older,her relatives all died off. 她到年老时,她的亲属都先后离开了人世。
- Emily Dickinson gives the sense of having come before her time. 埃米莉?狄更生给人的感觉是:生不逢辰,超越时代了。
- As she got older her frustration grew and her rages became worse and worse. 随着年龄的增长她的怒气越为越大。
- As she got older and older, her relatives all died off. 她到年老时,她的亲属都先后离开了人世。
- Constance looks back longingly to the years before her marriage, when she spent her time with artists and students of her own age, also enjoying long trips abroad. 初期康妮强忍著性欲与寂寞,过著有名无实的夫妻生活。可看著自己的胴体日渐松弛,像盛开过的花朵般日渐凋零,不免难过。
- As she got older she got haggard. 随著年龄增大,她变得形容枯槁。
- Grandmother took to knitting when she got older. 祖母上了年纪后织起毛线来。
- She got old and lost her looks. 她老得没什么模样了。
- Spring hesitates at winter's door, but the mango blossom rashly runs out to him before her time and meets her doom. 春天在严冬的门口徘徊,但芒果花卤莽地跑向他,在她花期之前,便遇到了她的末运。
- She spends all her time nursing her old father. 她花全部的时间照料年迈的父亲。
- When she got old enough to walk he it was who, with a towel fastened securely under her arms, led her patiently around the room until she was able to take a few steps of her own accord. 后来她初学走路,他一径拿一条毛巾系在她膈肢窝下,耐耐心心把她在房间里牵来牵去,直到她自己能跨两三步的时候为止。
- She got to the park before the set time. 她在约定的时间之前到了公园。
- As she got older, offers of modelling work began to dry up. 随着她年龄渐长,邀请她做模特儿的工作已越来越少。
- It wasn’t until she got older that she started acting more girly. 直到她站老年人,她开始代理更多的少女。
- She asked that the visitor be brought before her. 她要求把访问者带到她的面前来
- As she got older she became wild and unruly. If she didn't get what she wanted she would throw tantrums until her family gave in. 随着年岁的增长,她变得狂野不驯。她得不到想要的东西就大发脾气,家人不顺从就不罢休。