- She gazed at him in amazement. 她惊异地注视着他。
- She gazed at him in horrified disbelief. 她既惊愕又难以置信地盯着他。
- An American touring the Sahara was dressed in a bathing suit. A Bedouin gazed at him in amazement. 一个美国人在撒哈拉沙漠旅行。他身上穿着一身游泳衣。一个游牧民诧异地看着他。
- She stared at him in amazement . 她惊异地瞪着他看。
- The two young Mormons stared at him in amazement. 这两个摩门年轻人开始很吃惊地瞪着他。
- His sister stared at him in amazement(=amazingly). 他的妹妹惊奇地看着他。
- The others gazed at him in astonishment. 众人惊讶地注视着他。
- Both Miss Stoner and I gazed at him in astonishment. 我和斯唐娜小姐都惊讶得看着他。
- Lord Henry elevated his eyebrows and looked at him in amazement. 享利勋爵扬起眉毛,惊奇地瞧着他。
- She gazed at him, her eyes darkening with a curious expression of dislike and distrust as he silently turned away. 她死盯着他,眼神越来越阴沉,显出一种对他又厌恶又怀疑的奇怪表情,这时他只好默不作声地把脸转了过去。
- She gazed at him with new approval when she stopped laughing, the lush responsive tissues of her dark face turning darker. 等她止住笑后,她用新的赞许神气盯视着他,她那张本来黝黑的脸上肉感富有弹性的肌肤显得更黑了。
- She gazed at me in disbelief when I told her the news. 我告诉她这消息时,她以怀疑的目光注视著我。
- Fantine stood aside from the door and stared at him in amazement as he passed. 芳汀赶忙让路,望着他从她面前走过,吓得魂不附体。
- She gazed at the newborn infant and smiled. 她望着这个初生的婴儿笑了。
- She gazed at him wonderingly. 她惊奇地瞅着他。
- She stared at him in amazement. 她惊异地瞪著他看。
- She gazed at the painting in the gallery. 在画廊里,她凝视着这幅画。
- She gazed upon him in bewilderment. 她茫然地注视着他。
- She stared at him in wide-eyed amazement. 她睁大眼睛惊讶地注视着他。
- We stared at him in amazement. 我们惊奇地注视着他。