- She gave a correct answer. 她给了个正确的答案。
- When asked to explain her behavior, she gave a very defensive answer. 当问她为什么要这样做时,她极力为自己辩护。
- She gave a shrug of her shoulders. 她耸了耸肩膀。
- She gave a cry and fell to the floor. 她叫了一声就倒在了地板上。
- She gave a quiet cough to attract my attention. 她轻轻地咳了一声好引起我注意。
- She gave a sharp cry of surprise. 她发出一声尖锐的惊叫。
- She gave a talk on her visit to China. 她就访华情况发表了非官方的讲话。
- She gave a coy smile when he paid her a compliment. 他恭维她时,她忸怩作态地笑了笑。
- She gave a little yelp and fled upstairs. 她尖叫了一声,逃上楼去。
- She gave a shrug and walked away. 她耸了耸肩就离开了。
- She gave a stagger as she began to feel faint. 她感到头晕时身体摇晃了一下。
- She gave a highly coloured (ie exaggerated) account of her travels. 她把旅行的事大大地渲染(夸张)了一番。
- She gave a respectable performance. 她的演出还不错。
- She gave a start as he sprang before her. 他突然出现在她的面前,把她吓了一大跳。
- A correct answer to the question "Why a protracted war?" Can be arrived at only on the basis of all the fundamental contrasts between China and Japan. “为什么是持久战”这一个问题,只有依据全部敌我对比的基本因素,才能得出正确的回答。
- If ever she gives a party she likes to do it in style. 她每举办舞会,总喜欢搞得很排场。
- For a greater challenge, play against a friend or seta time limit for a correct answer. 对更重大的挑战来说,抗衡朋友或者为了正确的答案设置期限。
- She gave a detailed account of what she had seen. 她详细地叙述了她所见到的一切。
- If you entered a correct answer, the Web site resets your password and sends you an e-mail message with the new password. 如果输入正确的答案,则网站将重置密码并给您发送附有新密码的电子邮件。
- She gave a cursory greeting to Mr. Giovaneui. 她对乔瓦耐里爱理不理地招呼了一下。