- She finished a dress. 她做好了一件衣服。
- She set work on a revised edition of her dictionary as soon as she finished a full-length novel. 她刚写完一本长篇小说,就积极开始她那本字典的修订工作。
- She helped to select a dress for Ruth. 她帮着给露丝选了一件衣裳。
- She wears a dress with delicate lace. 她穿了一件带有精致花边的裙子。
- She wore a dress trimmed with tinsel. 她穿着饰有亮片的连衣裙。
- She bought a dress patterned upon a Parisian model. 她买了一件仿照巴黎流行式样而做的衣服。
- She picked up a dress appropriate for the occasion. 她挑了一件适合该场合穿的衣服。
- She wears a dress with scallops around the neck. 她穿着一件领口有扇形皱褶的衣裙。
- She finished her work in an instant. 她没有多久就完成了她的工作。
- She finished off her education at the Sorbonne. 她在梭尔邦大学完成最後的学业。
- The clerk held out a dress for Martha to try on. 店员拿出一件衣服给玛莎试穿。
- Mary kept at her homework until she finished. 玛丽坚持把作业写完。
- She saw a dress in the shop window and it caught her fancy immediately. 她看见商店橱窗里的一件连衣裙,立刻觉得很合心意。
- She want to do social work when she finish college. 她打算毕业后从事社会福利工作。
- She finished reading the book in a week. 她用一星期时间看完了这本书。
- But then there are those like my friend Annie Hiniker, who says that when she finishes a 5-k race, the last thing she feels is euphoric. 但也有一些人和我朋友AnnieHiniker相像,当她结束了5公里比赛后,唯一的感觉就是欣快。
- The princess is wearing a dress of the finest silk. 公主身穿最高级的丝绸衣服。
- This is a dress with a high waistline. 这条裙子腰身部分很高。
- She finished only a few paces behind the winner. 到达终点时, 她仅比获胜者落后几步。
- She can feel her heart pounding painfully as she finished the race. 她跑完比赛后感到心脏都快要跳出来了。