- She eyed me with suspicion. 她怀疑地望着我。
- He eyed me with suspicion. 他怀疑地看著我。
- She eyed me from top to top with coldness. 她冷淡地把我从头打量到脚。
- She eyed me narrowly from head to toe. 她仔细地从头到脚打量着我。
- They regarded me with suspicion. 他们以怀疑的眼光看我。
- When I first met her, she eyed me up and down. 我第一次见到她时,被她上下打量了一番。
- He eyed me with a terrible scorn. 他极其轻蔑地打量着我。
- She looked at me with an evil eye. 她怒气冲冲地看着我。
- I regard his behaviour with suspicion. 我对他的行为感到怀疑。
- He eyed the three strangers with suspicion. 他以怀疑的目光注视着那三个陌生人。
- She astonished me with her beautiful handwriting. 她以其秀丽的书法而使我惊异。
- We regard her behaviour with suspicion. 我们对她的行为有怀疑。
- He looked at me with suspicion. 他疑神疑鬼地看着我。
- He regarded our plans with suspicion. 他对我们的计画有怀疑。
- She slouched past me with her hands in her pockets. 她手插在口袋里懒洋洋地从我身边走了过去。
- She stared at me with unseeing eyes. 她以失神的眼睛凝视我。
- She has always viewed him with suspicion. 她总是以怀疑的目光看待他。
- I did not like the way he eyed me. 我不喜欢他那看我的样子。
- She eyed the stranger with amusement. 她很有兴趣地打量着这个陌生人。
- She helped me with advice and otherwise. 她以忠告和其他方式来帮助我。