- She closed her eyes to her husband's infidelities. 她丈夫有不忠行为,她却视而不见。
- Such was her fright that she closed her eyes. 她吓得闭上眼睛。
- She closed her eyes as though she were too tired . 她闭上了眼睛,好像太疲倦了。
- She closed her eyes and inhaled deeply. 她合上双眼,深深吸了一口气。
- She closed her eyes and wished a wish. 她闭上眼睛许了一个愿。
- She closed her eyes as though she too were tired. 她合上眼睛,似乎她也疲劳。
- She closed her eyes as though she was sleeping. 她闭上眼睛似乎在睡觉。
- She closed her eyes, but she still could not sleep. 她尝试闭上眼睛,可还是睡不着。
- She closed her eyes and lay quiet. 她闭眼静躺着。
- She closed her eyes to her children's misbehaviour. 她对自己孩子的不端行为视而不见。
- She closed her eyes and felt the warmth of the sun on her face. 她闭上眼睛,脸上感到阳光的暖意。
- After a while,she closed her eyes and relaxed into the warm water. 过了一会儿,她闭上眼睛,惬意地滑进温暖的水里。
- She closed her eyes tightly to shut out the nightmare images. 她紧闭双眼,仿佛这样就可驱走那恶梦般的情景。
- After a while, she closed her eyes and relaxed into the warm water. 过了一会儿,她闭上眼睛,惬意地滑进温暖的水里。
- Then she closed her eyes and went to sleep again.And she snored. 说完她闭上眼睛又睡了,不一会儿鼾声复又作起。
- She closed her eyes tightly in a vain attempt to hold back the tears. 她紧闭双眼,却无法忍住眼泪。
- She closed her eyes and two large tears seeped from beneath her eyelids. 她闭上眼睛,两颗大大的泪珠从眼皮下渗了出来。
- She closed her eyes again, kaleidoscopic colours whirling behind her eyelids. 她再次闭上了眼睛,在她眼睑之后千变万化的颜色在旋转。
- She closed her eyes briefly, breathing in the sugary savor of the air. 她暂时闭上眼睛,呼吸着空气中甜甜的味道。
- In fact, Mo could see even if she closes her eyes when she was pressed. 被压床的女人会在闭着眼的时候看到房内的一切。