- She clashed the cymbals together. 她敲铙钹。
- She clashed the cymbals. 她当啷一声敲响铙钹。
- She clashed the pan down on the stone floor. 她把炒锅当啷一声掉在石头地板上。
- In her haste she clashed the saucepans against the stove. 她匆忙中把锅当啷一声撞在炉子上。
- In her haste she clashed the saucepans against the stove . 她匆忙中把锅当啷一声撞在炉子上。
- She clashed these pans down on the floor. 她将这些盘子哗啦一声摔在地上。
- She clashed those cups down on the floor. 她把那些杯子噹啷一声碰掉到地板上。
- The drummer was beating on the cymbals. 鼓手在击钹。
- She clashed with her brother in the debate. 在辩论中她跟兄弟争论起来了。
- She clashed those pans down on the floor. 她把那些盘子当的一声摔到地板上。
- She clashed against the wall and fainted off last night. 她昨晚撞到墙上昏倒了。
- However, the cymbals may start to sound painful with this added EQ. 无论如何,给镲加eq可能开始听起来很难听。
- Such as the gong, the drum, the cymbal and the suona. 如锣、鼓、钹和唢呐。
- Was this clash the symptom of disintegrating authority? 这次冲突是否是权威瓦解的征兆呢?
- She was unhappy for being woken up so rudely, no wonder, she clashed with the rude gal, then they two were fighting in the bus. 大约40分钟后,一个约20多岁的身材高大的女孩粗鲁地推醒了她。她对此非常地不高兴,无疑,她就和那个粗鲁的女孩起冲突了,随即大打出手。
- If the drummer has the cymbals positioned low and close to the toms, grab each cymbal and move it on its axis to see if it will hit the mic or stand. 如果鼓手把镲放置的离桶鼓非常近以至于会打到麦克和麦克架的话,就尝试抓住每个镲片沿它的座轴移动。
- The cymbal is improved on the basis at chaina traditional cymbals. It's used now as drum-set cymbals very common. 此镲在中国传统镲的基础上加以改进,现普通用于架子鼓上配镲。
- She and I can't live under the same roof. 她和我不能住在一起。
- She drives carefully up the rocky lane. 她驾车小心地从这条很多石头的小路上驶过去。
- She felt just the same as he did. 她和他的感受相同。