- She brushed past him without saying a word. 她经过时碰了他一下,一句话也没说。
- She brushed past him. 她和他擦肩而过。
- "Of course." She bit her lip on an angry retort and brushed past him to the ramp leading into the ship. “当然。”朱诺咬着嘴唇恼怒地回敬道。她从星际杀手身边草果,大步走向通向飞船的舷梯。
- They passed close by the unhappy being, who, concealed behind the damask curtain, almost felt Mercds dress brush past him, and his son's warm breath, pronouncing these words,--"Courage, mother! 他们经过那个人的身边,将军躲在门帘后面,几乎感觉到美塞苔丝的衣服擦过他的身体,和他儿子讲话时的那股热气,这时阿尔贝正巧在这时说:“勇敢一点,妈!
- He brushed past me in the street. 他和我在街上擦肩而过。
- She brushed him off impatiently. 她不耐烦地把他打发走了。
- She brushed away the darkness and saw him on the banks of a glassy river with a beautiful heifer standing near. 她拨开云层见到他正呆在一条明镜般的小河岸上,身旁有一头美丽的小母牛。
- He tried to explain to her, but she brushed him off impatiently. 他试图向她解释,可她不耐烦地不搭理他。
- She strode past him without a backward glance. 她大步从他身边走过,都没有回头瞧他一眼。
- She thrust past him angrily and left. 她气呼呼地从他身旁挤过去走了。
- She pushed blindly past him and made for the door. 她摸索着从他身边挤过去走向门口。
- A bicycle brushed past me in a very rude way. 一辆自行车无礼地从我旁边擦身而过。
- He brushed past me in a very rude way. 他粗鲁地从我身边擦过。
- I wouldn't put it past him to cheat in the examination. 我认为他在考试中有可能作弊。
- She brushed the crumbs off the tablecloth. 她刷掉台布上的食品屑。
- She brushed the dust off her coat. 她刷掉她上衣的灰尘。
- "Yeah, she's home," the boy said, walking past him. “在,她在家。”小男孩回答到,走过推销员身边。
- He brushed past, toppling her from her stool. 他经过时蹭了她一下,使她从凳子上摔了下来。
- She brushed the dust off my coat. 她拂去我大衣上的灰尘。
- Something furry brushed past Sam's leg. 一个长毛的什么东西擦过了山姆的腿部。