- She bandaged her injured legs. 她用绷带包扎受伤的腿。
- Her injured leg was so painful that she had to take a pain-killer. 她受伤的那条腿疼的厉害,她只好吃了一片止疼药。
- Wound her injured leg with a bandage. 用绷带包扎她受伤的腿。
- She eased her injured foot into her shoe. 她小心翼翼地把受伤的脚伸进鞋里。
- His injured leg was all bandaged up. 他受伤的腿缠满了绷带。
- An osteopath has been treating her injured back. 整骨医生正给她治疗受伤的背部。
- wound her injured leg with a bandage; wound the waist of the gown with lace and ribbons. 用绷带包扎她受伤的腿;在衣服的腰部围上花边和丝带。
- The nurse had disinfected the wound before she bandaged it. 护士包扎伤口前先进行了消毒。
- The surgeon bandages up his injured leg. 外科医生把他受伤的腿扎起来。
- Brown's injured leg soon began to ache. 布朗负过伤的腿不久便疼痛起来。
- I immediately got the iodine and clumsily bandaged her. 我立刻拿碘酒,笨拙的给他包扎。
- Her injured arm pained her sharply. 她那受伤的手臂使她感到剧烈疼痛。
- It is important that the injured leg should be elevated. 将受伤的腿抬高是很重要的。
- The mother was full of thought for her injured child. 那位母亲非常挂念她受伤的孩子。
- He looked at the girl acting out her injured innocence and stared at her until she looked down. 他看那小女孩手舞足蹈地表白完了她无罪受冤屈,于是瞪着她看直到她低下头来。
- The doctor removed some fluid from her injured knee. 医生从她受伤的膝盖中抽出了一些液体。
- Furthermore, what made her injured was that she realized never loving that good-for-nothing dandy but procreating for him. 最委屈的是,她发现自己从未爱过那个没什么出息的纨绔子弟,还为他生儿育女。
- A businesswoman created a special shelter to house injured animals.She has also given some new wheels to help them cope with lost or injured legs. 一个女实业家创建了一个特殊的庇护所来收容受伤的动物,她还提供了一些新的小狗轮椅用来帮助失去腿或腿部受伤的小狗。
- Mora had punctured her foot on a fish bone while helping McClure out of the bay, so once he was safe, the young women headed for the campus infirmary, where a nurse bandaged her wound. 原来,就在把马克留尔拖上岸的时候,莫拉的脚扎进了一根鱼骨,等她们确认马克留尔已经安全了以后,便一头奔向学校卫生室,让护士包扎伤口。
- You get treatment, unconsciously take the strain off your injured leg, thus overstraining the other one. 你接受治疗,无意地拉紧你受伤的腿,然后过度训练另一只。