- She awoke with a start. 她一下子惊醒了。
- With a start she awoke to find that she was in fashion's crowd, on parade in a show place -- and such a show place! 她蓦地一惊,发现自己正置身于时髦的人群中,在这个炫耀的地方展示自己,而且是如此壮观的地方!
- Sophie awoke with a start on Saturday morning. Was it a dream or had she really seen the philosopher? 星期六早上;苏菲醒来时从床上跳了起来.;她是在作梦还是她真的见到了那位哲学家?
- I was awaked with a start by a terrible thunder. 我被一声可怕的雷声惊醒。
- She woke up with a start when the door slammed. 关门声把她惊醒了。
- I came awake with a start, unsure of where I was or even who. 恍惚间突然惊醒,不知自己身在何处,甚至搞不清楚自己是谁。
- I awoke with a start to peals of laughter from my classmates and never fell asleep on him again. 我一下子醒了,只听全班哄堂大笑,以后他上课我就再也不敢睡着了。
- She wake up with a start when the door slam. 关门声把她惊醒了。
- He awoke with a start. 他一惊而醒。
- He awoke with a jump from his chair. 他从椅子上惊跳着醒来。
- He awoke with a painful stiffness in his neck. 他醒来时颈部僵疼。
- She woke from the dream with a start. 她猛地一惊,从梦中醒来。
- He drowsed off and awoke with a start 他打起瞌睡,又蓦地惊醒。
- The cat has been waken up with a start. 猫惊醒了。
- With a start like that I knew we were going to win. 有这么好的开始,我就知道我们会赢得这场比赛。
- Steve sat up with a start when I called him. 斯蒂夫在我喊他时吃惊地坐了起来。
- The American comes to with a start. 这个美国人大吃一惊醒悟过来。
- She awoke when the nurse entered the room. 护士进屋的时候,她就醒了。
- Red is sleeping. He wakes with a start. 瑞德从梦中惊醒。
- I woke up from the terrible dream with a start. 我从恶梦中惊醒。