- She always takes wing. 她总是想入非非。
- She always takes a Marxist line. 她一贯奉行马克思主义路线。
- She always takes the lead when we plan to do anything. 我们打算做任何事时总由她来领头。
- In meetings she always takes the offensive before she can be criticized. 在会上,她不等别人批评她而总是先发制人。
- She always takes a rosy view of life. 她总是对生活持乐观态度。
- She always takes pains with her appearance. 她很注重自己的外表。
- She always takes a bus so that she may save some money. 为了可以节省钱,她总是搭乘公车。
- She always takes a pile of books home with her from school. 她总是在放学后带回家一大堆书。
- She always takes pains with her work and becomes a specialist in physics. 她一向努力工作并已成为一位物理学家。
- She always takes a pocketful of tissues with her when she goes out with her children. 她带孩子们出去时总带一袋薄纸。
- She always takes an umbrella; I always carry money; She packs a gun when she goes into the mountains. 她总是携带一把雨伞;我总是携带着钱;当她进入山脉。
- She always takes great liking to a dazzling robe and likes to have her hair disheveled and bleached. 她总是喜欢眩目长袍,头发蓬乱而且经过漂白处理。
- She always takes a false attitude before the general manager, making others feel that she has other intentions. 她在老总面前作态,让人觉得她另有所图。
- She always take it with a heart of stong.Cause all she does is throw it back to me.I've spent a lifetime looking for someone. 她的心总是这么冷酷。因为她所做的一切就是把它扔还给我。我已经花去了一生的时间来寻找某个人。
- Time takes wing when you're enjoying yourself. 人快活时,光阴飞一般地流逝。
- She always carries a vanity bag wherever she goes. 她无论到哪里都带上一个小手提包。
- She always defers to her mother's opinions. 她总是听从她母亲的意见。
- She is so lucky that she always wins at cards. 她运气实在是好,打牌总是赢。
- She always speaks irksome complaints. 她总是发出令人厌烦的牢骚。
- She always dressed in the latest fashion. 她总是穿最新款的时装。