- Shandong Luke Group General Co. 山东好运集团总公司/
- Jewelry City Property Development General Co. 珠宝城物业发展总公司。
- Chian Electronics Facilities General Co. 中国电子器材总公司。
- China Highway Engineering Consultant and Supervision General Co. 中国公司工程咨询监理总公司。
- Wuhu Municipal Planning Committee Wuhu Fuel Gas General Co. 芜湖市计委芜湖市燃气总公司。
- Shanghai Electric Power Generation Co. 上海电气持有合资公司。
- Datang International Power Generation Co. 大唐国际发电股份有限公司。
- Results: treatment group general efficiency is 85% better than antitheses group 55% (P>0.01). 结果:治疗组总有效率为85%25,优于对照组的55%25(P<0.;01)。
- A presplitting blasting techique was adopted in the excavation engineering of the thickener in Lizheng Ore Company of Anyang Iron and steel General Co. 安钢集团公司李珍矿业公司在浓缩池挖掘工程中采用预裂爆破技术。
- Shandong Machinery I&E Group Corp. - Plumbing Co. 山东机械进出口集团公司水暖器材分公司
- Abstract: The paper introduces the successful experiences that the Group General Com. of Fengxiang in Shangdong province actively advanced the agri-business management. 文摘:介绍了山东凤祥集团总公司积极推进农业产业化经营的成功经验。
- The paper introduces the successful experiences that the Group General Com. of Fengxiang in Shangdong province actively advanced the agri-business management. 介绍了山东凤祥集团总公司积极推进农业产业化经营的成功经验。
- Analysis of the Principles of Line Protection in Ezhou Power Generation Co. 鄂州发电公司线路保护装置原理分析。
- Modification of Plant Direct Current System in Liuxihe Generation Co. 流溪河发电公司厂房直流系统改造。
- From the concept of time-varying spectrum, a group general expressions of the jitter spectral densities are proposed, which are applicable to conditions of both arbitrary timing extraction (BPF or PLL, etc.) and arbitrary non-linear circuit (NLC). 由时变谱法概念,给出了在任意的提取方式(BPF或PLL等)及非线性电路(NLC)条件下,诸抖动功率谱的一般表达式。
- Remarkable commissioner ability chooses excellent design, crackajack stylist ability emerge in large numbers comes out. 2006, the commissioner of the contest group general actual strength is all-time. 杰出的评委才能评选出杰出的设计,杰出的设计师才能涌现出来。2006年,大赛的评委团队将实力空前。
- Engineering Design of 450 t/h CFB Boiler in Baoding Cogeneration Power Plant, Datang Power Generation Co. 大唐保定热电厂450t/h CFB锅炉工程设计
- The frequent overtemperature of reheater tube wall of Unit 3 boiler in Huangpu Power Plant,Guangdong Yuehua Power Generation Co. 广东粤华发电有限责任公司黄埔发电厂3号锅炉再热器管壁温度经常超温,影响机组带负荷,同时再热器减温水流量较大,严重影响机组效率。
- Results showed that the PL group generated more favorable thoughts and attitude regarding the no-bag policy than the NL group did. 结果发现,PL组对限用政策所产生的想法和态度,比NL所产生的更正面(更支持)。