- It later became the mausoleum of Shah Jahan too. 后来,这也成为了沙.贾汉的陵寝。
- Shah Jahan built the Taj Majal as a monument to his undying love for his wife. 沙伽汗建立泰姬陵以示纪念,表达自己对妻子无尽的爱。
- It is an amazing witness of Shah Jahan's deep love to his queen Mumtaz Mahal. 它见证了沙.;贾汗对他的王后墨姆塔兹
- The Taj, built in the 1600s by the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan as a shrine for his wife, is a World Heritage site. 世界遗产泰姬陵是17世纪印度莫卧儿王朝的皇帝沙贾汗为爱妻修建的陵墓。
- This immense mausoleum was built on the orders of Shah Jahan, the fifth Muslim Mogul emperor, to honor the memory of his beloved late wife. 泰姬陵是莫卧尔王朝第五代皇帝沙贾汗为纪念其已故爱妻而下令修建的陵墓。
- It was built by the Muslim Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan to honor the memory of his beloved late wife Mumtaz Mahal. 是穆斯林莫卧儿王朝皇帝沙贾汗为了纪念他深爱的已故妻子蒙泰姬·马哈尔。
- Afterward, Shah Jahan gazed upon the grandeur of the white marble architectural wonder, his Taj Mahal. 后来,沙贾汗望着这座庄严肃穆的、由白大理石建造的泰姬陵感概万千。
- Shah Jahan was deposed and put under house arrest by one of his sons soon after the Taj Mahal's completion. 沙贾汗在泰姬陵竣工不久后,就被他的一个儿子废除,并软禁起来。
- In 1658, just five years after the completion of the Taj Mahal, Shah Jahan was thrown out of power. 1658年,泰姬陵完工5年后,沙.;贾汗的王位被人夺走。
- So,this essay regards Heaven Earth League"s revolt in 1850s in Guang Dong as an example to make an attempt to analysis the reasons more comprehensive. 本文以19世纪50年代广东会党起义为个案,对农民起义和会党起义的原因作比较全面、辩证的分析。
- The Taj complex was completed in 1653 by Shah Jahan, the Mogul emperor, in memory of Mumtaz Mahal, his second wife. 泰姬陵于1653年建成,是印度莫卧儿王朝君主沙贾汗为了纪念他的爱妃泰吉?马哈尔所建。
- According to legend, when the prince who would become Emperor Shah Jahan first saw his future wife, Mumtaz Mahal, it was love at first sight. 传说中,后来当上沙贾汗国王的王子看到未来妻子慕塔芝.;玛哈便一见锺情,
- On this day in 1666, Shah Jahan, the mighty Mogul emperor of India who built the Taj Mahal as a mausoleum for his beloved wife, died at the age of 74. 在1666年的今天,沙贾汗死亡,得年74岁,他是印度强大的莫卧儿帝国皇帝,为他的爱妻建造了泰姬玛哈陵。
- A man shoulders a stack of brightly colored saris on a street in Old Delhi, a predominantly Muslim area built by Emperor Shah Jahan. 意译:动态的新德里图片。一个男人肩部一堆明亮色彩的莎丽服(印度妇女用)在老德里一条街道,一个主要的穆斯林地区建筑经由沙贾汉皇帝。
- Shah Jahan built the Taj Majal as a monument to his undying love for his wife.My wife is quite fond of the story.It appeals to the romantic in her. 沙加汗建了泰姬凌为。
- Workers gathering grain in view of the Taj Mahal, which was built in the mid-1600s as a tomb for Mogul Emperor Shah Jahan's wife Mumtaz Mahal. 在泰姬陵看得见的地方,工人们正在收获谷物。
- The Taj complex was completed in 1653 by Shah Jahan, the Mogul emperor, in memory of Mumtaz Mahal, his second wife. It is India's top tourist site, attracting three million visitors every year. 泰姬陵于1653年建成,是印度莫卧儿王朝君主沙贾汗为了纪念他的爱妃泰吉?马哈尔所建。泰姬陵是印度最著名的旅游景点,每年都吸引了300万名游客前来观赏。
- The Taj Mahal in India is one of the wonders of the world and is one of the most beautiful mausoleums constructed by the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his favorite queen, Mumtaz Mahal. 我们的世界有太多美丽的地方了,在这些地方面前,我们常常茫然无措,而决定去哪里就随心吧。
- It comprises many fairy-tale palaces, such as the Jahangir Palace and the Khas Mahal, built by Shah Jahan; audience halls, such as the Diwan-i-Khas; and two very beautiful mosques. 古堡里有许多宛如童话故事一样的宫殿,如沙贾汗修建的贾汗吉尔宫或称卡斯宫,有迪凡-伊-卡斯会客厅和两座非常秀丽的清真寺。