- Relative immunity to severe infection by a particular pathogen as a result of a chronic low-grade infection induced earlier by the same pathogen. 传染免疫由以前同一病原体所引起的慢性低度传染而造成的特定病原体对严重感染的相对免疫
- A severe infection may cause the appendix to rupture. 严重的感染可能导致阑尾穿孔。
- A severe infection can be very detrimental to the health of the bird. 感染严重时,则会损害鸟的健康。
- Endotoxin is the key etiologic factor of pulmonary damage secondary to severe infection of Gram negative bacilli. 内毒素血症是严重革兰氏阴性菌感染导致肺损害发生的关键因素。
- Topical creams may help mild cases but antifungal pills are your best chance of curing a severe infection. 对于一般的情况外用药膏可以治疗,但是对于严重的感染最好服用抗真菌的药片进行治疗。
- But it may be influenced by the catabolic conditions as severe infection, injury and other kinds of hormone. 但这一作用往往受到严重感染、创伤等高代谢状态和其他一些激素的影响。
- The cause of severe infection after ureteroscopy are preoperational urinary tract infection,high perfusio... 术前抗感染及术中合理操作是该病有效的预防方法。
- Migratory waterfowl - ducks, geese, etc. - often carry the virus, but seem to have the most resistance to severe infection. 迁徙鸟类常带此病毒,但看似对严重感染有抵抗力。
- Relative immunity to severe infection by a particular pathogen as a result of a chronic low - grade infection induced earlier by the same pathogen. 传染免疫由以前同一病原体所引起的慢性低度传染而造成的特定病原体对严重感染的相对免疫
- Objective:To analyse the levels of serum C-reactive protein(CRP) and procalcitonin(PCT) in hepatocirrhosis patients with severe infection. 目的:分析肝硬化并发严重感染时血清前降钙素、C反应蛋白的变化及其临床意义。
- Pulmonary nocardiosis (PN) is an infrequent but severe infection that is found most commonly in immunocompromised patients. 摘要肺部土壤丝菌症并不常见但会造成严重感染,最常在免疫失调病人身上被发现。
- Objective To analyse the leves of serum C-reactive protein(CRP) in cirrhosis or liver failuer patients with severe infection. 目的探讨CRP作为肝硬变和重型肝炎继发感染的早期诊断价值。
- Result: Burn complicated by hyperglycemia was related to delayed resuscitation and overdose of glucose during shock stage, large area deep burn and severe infection. 结果:烧伤并发高血糖症与休克延迟复苏,休克期过量补充葡萄糖,大面积深度烧伤,严重感染等因素有关。
- Burn complicated by hyperglycemia was related to delayed resuscitation and overdose of glucose during shock stage, large area deep burn and severe infection. 烧伤并发高血糖症与休克延迟复苏,休克期过量补充葡萄糖,大面积深度烧伤,严重感染等因素有关。
- Its functions include: remedy the negative nitrogen balance after operation and remedy the hypoproteinemia caused by severe infection or hepatocirrhosis, etc. 纠正手术等创伤后的负氮平衡状态,纠正重度感染及肝硬化等所致的低蛋白血症;
- Various factors such as wound stress,severe infection and shock could lead to gastrointestinal dysfunction,and severe infection is quite common in clinic. 各种因素如创伤应激、重症感染及休克等均可导致胃肠功能障碍,严重感染则是临床中常见的因素之一。
- The major complications were severe infection, hypotension, acute renal failure, adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS, and multiple organ disfunction syndrome(MODS. 其主要并发症包括严重感染、低血压、急性肾衰、成人呼吸窘迫综合征及多器官功能障碍综合征。
- Children were more severely infected by the deadly bacteria. 孩子们被致命细菌感染地更严重了。
- There were no antibiotics 3,000 years ago, so the probability of a severe infection resulting from such a break would be quite high, according to Selim. “3000年前没有抗生素,这种伤口引起的严重感染的可能性是非常高的。”
- Tetanus is a severe infection characterized by painful muscular contractions, especially of the jaw and neck muscles. In developing countries, this disease is almost always fatal. 破伤风是一种严重的传染性疾病,表现为有痛感的肌肉收缩,特别是咀嚼肌。在发展中国家,该疾病几乎总会致死。