- Yes. A severe burning sensation all the time I'm passing water. 是的,整个排尿过程都有烧灼疼。
- MEBT/ME- BO is very efficacious in treating severe burn. MEBT/MEBO对治疗严重烧伤效果显著。
- Gaseous DHMO can cause severe burns. 气态时能导致人体烧伤。
- Both his eyes were severely burned. 他的双眼都严重烧伤了。
- Curing A Case of Extraordinarily Severe Burn Complicated with Pertinacity Severe Hyperglycemia. 救治特重度烧伤并发顽固性高血糖症一例报告。
- His voiding was accompanied by severe burning, and he was greatly inconvenienced at work. 小便时有强烈的烧灼感,当他工作时受到很大的困扰。
- His voiding was accompanied by severe burning, and he was greatly inconvenienced at work. 小便时有强烈的烧灼感,当他工作时受到很大的困扰。
- Results: Serum levels of FABP and CK-MB in severe burn patients increased significantly at the early stage (P<0.01). 结果:大面积严重烧伤患者早期FABP、CK-MB水平均显著性升高(P<0.;01);
- Objective: To discuss the method for retaining venipuncture in MEBT/MEBO treatment of severe burn. 摘要目的:探讨重症烧伤患者在治疗中静脉穿刺置管的应用与维护方法。
- Long engaged in treatment of severe burn, burn (create) scar injury prevention and treatment of hemangiomas surface. 长期从事危重烧伤救治,烧(创)伤后期瘢痕防治和体表血管瘤治疗,已成功抢救危重烧伤患者近一千例。
- This paper introduces our nursing experience inthe treatment of a case of exceptionally large (98%BSA) severe burn using MEBT. 本文介绍了1996年救治一例98%25特大面积烧伤病人的护理体会,该病人曾在外院用干法治疗12天,因病情危重转入该院行MEBT/MEBO治疗并治愈出院。
- It was precautionary that APCO maybe occurred when unexplained intestinal obstruction symptoms appeared in severe burn case. 当严重烧伤患者的病程中出现不好解释的肠梗阻症状时 ,应该警惕ACPO的存在
- Result: 50 cases of severe burn were treated with retaining deep venipuncture, all the patients tied over the shock stagt. 结果:应用深静脉置管抢救重度烧伤50例,使患者渡过了休克期,赢得了抢救时间。
- He was severely burnt about the face. 他的脸部受了严重的烫伤。
- Methods 25 severe burn patients were found stress ulcer bleeding and perforation of alimentary tract after post burn 2 weeks. 方法分析25例大面积烧伤患者受伤2周以后发生应激性溃疡出血,甚至消化道穿孔的临床资料。
- Objective: To investigate the protecting effect of L-glutamine (GLN) on intestinal mucosal damage in severe burn of rats. 目的:观察肠饲谷氨酰胺(GLN)对烧伤大鼠肠粘膜的保护作用。
- The lineman was severely burned by the live wire. 线路工人被通电的电线严重烧伤。
- A fire was burning in the grate. 火在壁炉中燃烧着。
- Objective: To investigate the effect of oxygen free radical on the expression of erythrocyte CR1 molecule post large area severe burn. 摘要目的:探讨氧自由基对大面积严重烧伤后红细胞膜补体受体1型分子(CR1)数量表达水平变化(即活性变化)的影响。
- Insulin resistance(IR) after severe burn may aggravate metabolic disturbance, delay wound healing and increase the probability of infection and MODS. 严重烧伤后出现的胰岛素抵抗,不但加重烧伤病程中的代谢紊乱,影响创面愈合,而且使感染和多器官功能障碍的发生率增高;