- Set my eyes only on you 只凝视着你
- Get out of my sight! I never want to set my eyes on you again. 离开我的视线!我再也不要看到你。
- Did you ever know that I had my eyes on you? 你知道我一直在偷偷的看你吗?
- April. I've had my eye on you for a long time. 艾普丽尔,我一直以来都很喜欢你。
- It now seemed quite on the cards that I might never set my eyes on her again. 现在,就好像是我再也不可能见到她的面了。
- It is tough not only on you but also on your deputy. 不仅是你,而且你的代理人都很强硬。
- I once let the truest love slip away from my eyes,only to find myself regretting when it is too late! 曾经有一份真诚的爱情放在我的面前,我没有好好珍惜,等到失去的时候,我才后悔莫及。
- Although good and evil are intertwined in the real world, My eyes do their best to fixate only on the true, the good and the beautiful. 虽然现实世界里善恶交错但我尽可能注目于真善美。
- And I will set My eyes upon them for good and will bring them back to this land and build them up and not tear them down, and I will plant them and not uproot them. 我要向他们定住眼目,使他们得好处,领他们归回这地,也要建立他们并不拆毁,栽植他们并不拔出。
- Doug: I'm looking for a clock radio. Are these the only ones you have? 我在看看有没有台带闹钟的收音机。你们就只有这些吗?
- I've set my sights on winning the championship. 我下定决心要赢得冠军。
- I've set my heart on that new coat. 我已打定主意要得到那件新外套。
- Go at once, or I will unleash my dog on you! 立刻走,要不我就放我的狗咬你!
- Such behavior can only reflect discredit on you. 这样的行为只能给你带来耻辱。
- My eyes fixed on a distant light. 我注视着远处的灯光。
- I will consent to my daughter's giving her hand to you only on receipt of the agreed dowry. 我只有在收到商定的彩礼后才会同意我女儿和你结婚。
- Only on very rare occasions does he give you a word of praise. 他难得称赞你一句。
- in my eyes only i and v's one love.I miss you,v. 为什么越是想忘记,记忆就越是清晰只因你在我心中生根。
- My remark was not meant as a slight on you. 我的话并没有冒犯你的意思。
- Lend you50 dollars! Do you see any green in my eye? 借50美元给你!你以为我就这么容易上当吗?