- Some serum parameters of thyroid function such as total T3 (TT3), total T4 (TT4) , reverse T3 (RT3), free thyroxine index (FTI) and TSH were determined in the goats of both IHG homozy-gotes and IHG heterrozygotes. 对IHG纯合子羊和杂合子羊进行了血清总T_3(TT_3)、总T_4(TT_4)、反T_3(rT_3)、游离甲状腺激素指数(FTI)以及促甲状腺激素(TSH)等甲状腺功能参数测定.
- The doctor inoculated her with the serum. 我们所有人都注射了天花病毒。
- Relating to bodily fluids, especially serum. 体液的与体液(尤是血清)有关的
- Spend by each department have to fall within certain parameter. 每个部门的开支必须属于确定的系数之内。
- Serum parameter 生化指标
- He suffered from serum intoxication. 他得了血清中毒。
- One profile was obtained for whole serum. 其中一个图谱是为全血清作出的。
- The serum is available to the general public now. 血清现在已可供大众使用。
- Set this parameter to high value e.g. 2000. 设置这个参量到比较高的值,比如2000。
- The serum is available to the general public . 一般公民均可获得血清。
- Add a random parameter with your URL. 在你的链接中多加一个随机参数值!!!
- The serum is vitiated byexposure to the air. 血清暴露在空气中已变质.
- Serum bilirubin levels are elevated. 血清胆红素是高的。
- In a word, serum hepatitis was also infectious. 换句话说,血清性肝炎也是传染性的。
- Option '%ls' not recognized for '%ls' parameter. 未能识别 ''%252!'' 参数的 ''%251!'' 选项。
- Serum Antioxidant Status of Civil Aircrew. 民航飞行人员的血清抗氧化状态。
- We call parameter 4 is a dynamic parameter. 称参数4为动力参数。
- Serum Specific IgE Analysis in Atopic Dermatitis. 遗传过敏性皮炎血清特异性IgE分析。
- The name of the task's output parameter. 任务输出参数的名称。
- Serum leptin, insulin were assessed by immunoassay. 血清瘦素、胰岛素放射免疫测定。