- Army of the Republic of Serbian Krajina 塞尔维亚克拉吉纳共和国军队
- Serbian Krajina 塞族克拉伊纳
- At school they have always been taught in Serbian. 在学校他们接受了塞尔维亚语的教育。
- Serbian language scholar and folklorist. 塞尔维亚语言学者和民俗学者。
- Serbo-Croatian as used in Croatia, distinguished from Serbian primarily by its being written in the Latin alphabet. 克罗地亚语在克罗地亚地区使用的塞尔维亚克罗地亚语,它与塞尔维亚语的主要区别是它用拉丁字母书写
- Serbian army put up a stout resistance to Nato's air-raid. 塞族军队对北约的空袭予以顽强的抵抗。
- Compared with the previous version, the Serbian is added. 与前一版本相比新增了塞尔维亚语。
- But, Serbian names are accented somewhat differently. 但是,塞尔维亚名称口音略有不同。
- "I just cuss them out really bad in Serbian," Bryant joked. “我只是用塞尔维亚语对他们说很坏的话。”科比开玩笑地表示。
- The Serbian was simply not good enough anymore to break Justine. 塞尔维亚人无法再轻易破发海宁。
- How the Yugoslav crisis plays out will hinge in large measure on the Yugoslav military's effectiveness and unity, or lack thereof, and the extent to which it continues to back Serbian militias in Croatia. 南斯拉夫危机将演变到何种程度,主要关键在于南国军方是否有效和团结,以及其继续支持克罗地亚境内塞尔维亚民兵的程度。
- Adds Bulgarian, Belarusian, Russian, Serbian, and Ukrainian language support. 添加保加利亚语、白俄罗斯语、俄语、塞尔维亚语和乌克兰语等语言支持。
- President Milosevic of the Serbian Republic chaired this negotiation. 塞尔维亚共和国总统米洛舍维奇主持了这次谈判。
- In her spare time she enjoys playing the piano and learning to speak Serbian. 业余时间她喜欢弹钢琴,学说塞尔维亚语。
- And the same evening German motorized elements reached the Serbian frontiers. 同日晚间,德国的摩托化部队进抵塞尔维亚边境。
- If they did, Gorani children could not go to Serbian secondary schools. 如果他们改变了,戈兰尼儿童日后将无法前往塞尔维亚的中学就读。
- They are now being branded as traitors in much of the Serbian press. 这些人如今在多数的塞尔维亚媒体上都被套上了叛徒的骂名。
- It is also believed that Serbian tennis ace Novak Djokovic will be at Monaco. 人们还认为,塞尔维亚网球德约科维奇将在摩纳哥.
- He said it was a milestone in Serbian cooperation with the war crime tribunal. 他说这是塞尔维亚与战争仲裁法庭合作的里程碑。
- In 1989 he cofounded the Serbian Democratic Party in Bosnia-Hertzegovina. 1989年,卡拉季奇和其他人共同创建了波黑塞尔维亚民主党。