- His father was a senior officer at the bank. 他父亲是那家银行的高级职员。
- Senior Officer Administration 高级行政官
- Seniora senior officer; the senior ship in the battle group. 一位高级军官;战斗群中较高级别的船。
- The senior officer of a service of the armed forces. 陆海空三军军种中的高级官员。
- Captain, or a senior officer nominated by the Captain. 船长,或是船长指定的高级船员。
- I was the man in charge of law and order that night and every one in Bhopal will tell you that I was the only senior officer of the administration in action. 出事当晚我在值班,人人都奋力逃生,我侥幸生还,但得了周身病痛。
- Sniping may be a problem and senior officers must exercise due care when travelling about their areas. 放冷枪进行暗算可能是个大问题,所以高级军官路经他们地区时必须小心防范。
- Be responsible for basic office administration. 负责基本办公室行政工作。
- Please welcome Mr. Raul L Cordenillo, Senior officer of the ASEAN Secretariat. 请东盟秘书处高级官员劳尔·科丹尼洛先生代表东盟秘书处致贺词。
- I have taken a course in Office Administration. 我曾修读过办公管理。
- A senior officer slowly approaches the car clasping his half drawn gun. 一个警官慢慢地走近车,紧握着手中拔出了一半的枪。
- He complained to a senior officer who made a note in the ship's log. 他向一位在航海日志中做了记录的高级官员抱怨。
- The senior officers came to the military camp for inspection. 首长来到军营视察。
- Maintain general filing systems for Front Office administration. 维护前厅部所有文档管理体系。
- Do senior officers return to the same ship on a rotational basis? 最高层的船员是否轮流返回同一条船?
- Because the senior officer is concerned that somebody might be listening. Well,somebody was. 因为这个高级军官考虑到可能通话被窃听。
- He was the ranking officer(= the most senior officer present at a particular time). 当时他是最高官员。
- In both positions, I have been assigned with the daily office administration. 在两个部门工作时,均负责日常行政工作。
- Who takes care of documents on board? A: Captain, or a senior officer nominated by the Captain. 在船上由谁保存文件,船长,或是船长指定的高级船员。
- Because the senior officer is concerned that somebody might be listening. Well, somebody was. 因为这个高级军官考虑到可能通话被窃听。