- The most senior Chinese Communist Party official in Shanghai has been sacked for corruption, state media reported. 官方媒体报道,上海市最高层官员已经因腐败被解雇。
- Larijani is in Beijing on a two-day official visit for talks with senior Chinese officials. 拉里贾尼目前在北京进行两天的正式访问,与中国高层官员举行会谈。
- Beijing-watchers in Taiwan say senior Chinese officials differed about how to respond to Mr Ma's request. 马英九从一上台就呼吁两岸“外交停战”。他认为台湾方面必须停止与北京的竞争,这样才能吸引更多的国家承认台湾的地位。
- Two days later a senior Chinese official gushed about the “major positive changes” in relations with Taiwan. 两天之后,大陆一位高级官员高调表示两岸关系发生了“重大积极变化”。
- Senior Chinese bankers suggested that they would be wary of expanding credit too quickly. 中国资深银行家们表示,他们将警惕信贷过于迅速地扩张。
- Dr.Howitt participates in several executive training programs for senior Chinese officials. 何汇特博士也参与了一些中国高级官员的行政培训项目。
- A senior Chinese official went to Paris last week to try to dissuade Sarkozy from the meeting. 中国政府一个高级官员上周去到巴黎劝阻萨科奇不要与达赖会面。
- A senior Chinese food regulator has warned that problems with food safety in the country could cause diseases and threaten social stability. 中国食品监管部门一位高级官员日前警告称,中国的食品安全问题可能导致疾病,并对社会稳定构成威胁。
- During September we noted confusing signals in statements that senior Chinese diplomats were making in various capitals around the world. 在九月份,我们从中国高级外交人士在世界各国首都发表的言论中看到混乱的讯号。
- A senior Chinese official says the real purpose of the rioters in Urumqi was Xinjiang's independence, which China would never allow to be realised. 一名中国高级官员说,在新疆组织暴乱的暴徒真正的目的是使新疆独立,中国政府绝不允许这一事情的发生。
- US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright has arrived in China for talks with senior Chinese leaders which are expected to focus on Korea and Taiwan. 美国国务卿奥尔布赖特已抵达北京,她将与中国高级领导人就朝鲜半岛和台湾问题举行会谈。
- A senior Chinese mainland official says the mainland would take further measures to boost economy cooperation with Taiwan. 中国大陆的一位高官称大陆将会进一步采取措施来加强与台湾的经济合作。
- Western governments and aid agencies offering to send teams of rescue workers to China were rebuffed yesterday by a senior Chinese official. 主动提出向中国运送救援队的西方政府和救援机构,昨天被一位中国高级官员拒绝。
- Yee (Tony Leung), a senior Chinese official collaborating with the Japanese, the plan being that she will lure him to his death. 王受托引诱中国的汉奸头子易先生(梁朝伟),计划是引诱并杀死他。
- But at a conference on reporting climate change last week, senior Chinese scientists and negotiators were in an altogether less emollient mood. 可是,在上周召开的一次气候变化报告会上,中国资深科学家和谈判代表完全处于不太温和的气氛之中。
- At a press conference in Shanghai yesterday, a senior Chinese official would not be drawn on the question of convertibility of the renminbi. 昨日在上海召开的新闻发布会上,一名中国高级官员不愿过多谈论人民币的自由兑换问题。
- A senior Chinese military officer says the China-Russia joint military drill has significantly improved the responsiveness of the two armed forces. 中国一位高级军官表示,中俄联合军演极大地提高了双方海陆空三军的快速反应能力。
- China’s Premier Wen Jiabao travels to Japan this week in what he is calling an “ice melting” visit, the first by a senior Chinese leader since 2000. 中国国务院总理温家宝对日本进行他称之为融冰之行的访问,这是200年以来第一次中国高层领导人访日。
- A senior Chinese regulator recently described to this newspaper his view of big global investment banks in one unusually graphic word: “shit”. 不过出现了强烈的信号,近期,一个高层监管者向本刊描述了他眼中的国际投行,用了个不同寻常的生动词汇:垃圾。
- Senior Chinese leader Zhou Yongkang says all available efforts should be mobilized to maintain stability in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. 中国高级官员周永康表示,将动员一切力量维护新疆维吾尔自治区的稳定。