- Pass The IP Address and Purported Responsible Domain pair passed the Sender ID verification check. Pass IP地址和假设负责域对通过了发件人ID验证检查。
- The Sender ID (SID) stamp is based on the sender policy framework (SPF) that authorizes the use of domains in e-mail. 发件人ID(SID)标记基于发件人策略框架(SPF),该框架授权在电子邮件中使用域。
- The Sender ID agent then performs a domain name service (DNS) lookup against the domain part of the PRA. 然后,发件人ID代理对照PRA的域部分执行域名服务(DNS)查找。
- The Sender ID stamp is based on the SPF that authorizes the use of domains in e-mail. 发件人ID标记基于SPF,它授权在电子邮件中使用域。
- The Edge Transport server updates the message metadata with the Sender ID status based on the SPF record. 边缘传输服务器将根据SPF记录来更新含有发件人ID状态的邮件元数据。
- Update your organization's Internet-facing domain name system (DNS) to support Sender ID. 更新组织中面向Internet的域名系统(DNS)以支持发件人ID。
- You must also include all servers that route mail to the Sender ID and connection filtering deployment servers. 还必须包括将邮件路由到发件人ID和连接筛选部署服务器的所有服务器。
- In IP address, type the IP address of the computer that you want to exclude from Sender ID filtering. 在“IP地址”中,键入要从发件人ID筛选中排除的计算机IP地址。
- First, the Sender ID agent determines the Purported Responsible Address (PRA) of the message using the algorithm described in RFC 4407. 首先,发件人ID代理使用RFC 4407中所述算法确定邮件的假设负责地址(PRA)。
- This attribute specifies a list of internal SMTP server IP addresses or IP address ranges that should be ignored by Sender ID and connection filtering. 此属性指定发件人ID筛选和连接筛选应忽略的内部SMTP服务器IP地址或IP地址范围的列表。
- You can configure the Sender ID agent to take action when the agent detects evidence of domain spoofing or a transient error. 可以将发件人ID代理配置为在检测到域欺骗的现象或暂时性错误时执行操作。
- This parameter specifies a list of internal SMTP server IP addresses or IP address ranges that should be ignored by Sender ID and connection filtering. 此参数指定发件人ID筛选和连接筛选应忽略的内部SMTP服务器IP地址或IP地址范围的列表。
- Sender ID combats a specific type of e-mail forgery known as domain spoofing, which falsifies header information to make a message appear to be from a legitimate sender. “发件人 ID”主要是打击一种特殊类型的电子邮件伪造品,也称为域名欺骗,这种邮件可以伪造标头信息,使消息看起来就像合法的发件人发过来一样。
- Besides the seven scenarios that generate the Sender ID statuses, the Sender ID evaluation process may reveal instances where the From: IP address is missing. 除了七种生成发件人ID状态的情况以外,发件人ID评估过程还可能会显示“发件人:”IP地址丢失的情形。
- As described in Sender ID, the Sender ID evaluation process generates a Sender ID status when the agent detects messages that are spoofed or have a transient error. 按照发件人ID中的说明,发件人ID评估过程会在代理检测到欺骗性邮件或暂时性错误邮件时生成发件人ID状态。
- Sender ID The Sender ID agent verifies the originating IP address for a received e-mail message against the registered IP addresses for the source domain. 发件人ID发件人ID代理根据源域的已注册IP地址来验证所接收电子邮件的来源IP地址。
- In Sender ID and Connection Filtering Configuration Settings, the IP addresses that you configured to be excluded from Sender ID filtering and connection filtering are displayed. 在“发件人ID和连接筛选配置设置”中,将显示您配置为从发件人ID筛选和连接筛选中排除的IP地址。
- The more organizations that update their Internet-facing DNS servers by using a sender policy framework (SPF) record, the more effectively Sender ID identifies spoofed e-mail messages. 使用发送方策略框架(SPF)记录更新面向Internet的DNS服务器的组织越多,发件人ID识别欺骗电子邮件的能力就越强。
- Sender ID checks the address of the server that sends the message against a registered list of servers that the domain owner has authorized to send e-mail. 发件人ID对照域所有者已授权发送电子邮件的已注册服务器列表来检查发送邮件的服务器地址。
- Sender ID tries to verify that every e-mail message originates from the Internet domain from which it claims to have been sent. 发件人ID尝试验证每个电子邮件是否都来自邮件声称的发送邮件的Internet域。