- Decomposition of a Semisimple Lie Group 半单李群的分解
- The text however develops basic Riemannian Geometry, Complex Manifolds, as well as a detailed theory of Semisimple Lie Groups and Symmetric Spaces. 然而课程还将简单介绍了基本的黎曼几何和复流形的知识,并会详细讨论半单李群和对称空间的理论。
- In particular, we prove that there are only finitely many equivalence classes for twisted conjugate actions for semisimple Lie groups. 特别地,我们证明了连通半单李群的扭共轭作用只有有限多个等价类。
- Semisimple Lie group 半单李群
- This paper proves that any dipolarization in a real or complex semisimple Lie algebra is symmetric. Thus a complete answer to the open problem in reference[2] is gaven. 本文证明半单李代数上的任何双极化都是对称的,从而解决了金行壮二于1993年提出的一个待解的问题.;并给出了有关结果的一些应用
- Abstract: This paper proves that any dipolarization in a real or complex semisimple Lie algebra is symmetric. Thus a complete answer to the open problem in reference[2] is gaven. 文摘:本文证明半单李代数上的任何双极化都是对称的,从而解决了金行壮二于1993年提出的一个待解的问题.;并给出了有关结果的一些应用
- In particular,a modem approach to the description of automorphisms and gradings of semisimple Lie algebras is given.A special chapter is devoted to models of the exceptional Lie algebras. 该丛书是科学出版社组织学术界多位知名院士、专家精心筛选出来的一批基础理论类数学著作,读者对象面向数学系高年级本科生、研究生及从事数学专业理论研究的科研工作者。
- In this paper,Lie group,Symplectic manifolds,Groupoids are treated as fundamental research subjects . 本文主要以李群、辛流形及群胚等为基本研究对象。
- Lie Groups, Lie Algebras, and Their Representation by V.S. 最重要的李群、李代数参考书;
- Lie groups and algebraic groups, by A. L. Onishchik, E. B. 李群的参考书;
- Using the Lie group theory and method, we presented a necessary condition for the existence of generalized symmetry of ordinary differential equations. 摘要利用李群理论和方法给出了自治常微分方程存在某类特殊广义对称的必要条件。
- Furthermore,this course is benefitial to study differential topology, Riemannian Geometry, Lie group and Nonlinear Analysis etc. 为进一步学习微分几何、微分拓扑、几何分析、黎曼几何、李群、低维拓扑和非线性分析等相关课程奠定良好的基础,并为阅读当代数学文献创造条件。
- Any symmetric space corresponds to a Lie group and an involution of it.The associated twisted conjugate action is related to the involution. 每个对称空间对应着一个李群及这个李群的一个对合自同构,相应的扭共轭作用与这个对合自同构有关。
- In this paper, the conclusion is that the intersection of lie subring of a Lie group is a Lie subring is obtained, moreover,it gives the Lie algebra of the Lie subring. 文章通过李子群的性质得出了李群的两个李子群的交依然是李子群的结论,进而得出这一李子群的李代数形式。
- This is equivalent to an ordinary (non-projective) representation of the double cover of SO(p,q, R ), which is a real Lie group called the spinor group Spin(p,q). 是旋转群(李群SO(n;R) )的投影表象中的元素,或更广义地说,是SO(p;q;R)群的投影表象中的元素,其中p + q = n for spinors in a space of nontrivial signature.
- He tried to varnish over the truth with a lie. 他试图用谎言来掩盖真相。
- In this paper,by giving a left invariant and symplectic structure, we have discussed the left invariant vector field and Maurer-Cartan form on Lie group,and have drawn some conclusions on them. 文章通过对李群上赋予一个左不变的辛结构,对李群上的左不变向量场及左不变1一形式进行研究,得出相关结论。
- First, it is shown from a new viewpoint that the universal enveloping algebra generates a Lie subgroup of a known classical infinite dimensional Lie group, therefore the enlargability is ensured. 首先,本文从一个新的视角证明泛包络代数作为无穷维李代数生成一个标准无穷维李群的子李群,从而保证了泛包络代数的可扩张性;
- Chevalley, Claude. Theory of Lie groups, I. Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1946. 《李群理论(一)》.;普林斯顿:普林斯顿大学出版社;1946年
- We first prove the theorem on equivariant embedding of symmetric spaces in Lie groups. 首先,我们证明对称空间到李群的等变嵌入定理。