- elliptical surface crack 表面椭圆裂纹
- Three-Dimensional Finite Element Analysis of SIFs of Elliptic Surface Crack in Dimple Fastener 埋头紧固件椭圆形表面裂纹应力强度因子的三维有限元分析
- All of these tests are used to detect surface crack discontinuities. 所有这些测试是用来检测表面裂缝不连续性。
- The fundamental is that the ray emitted from a focus (front) of elliptical will flock together on the other focus (back) by the reflection on the elliptical surface. 其基本原理是从椭圆的一个焦点射出的光线经椭圆面反射必会聚于另一焦点上,椭圆柱面的前焦点上是射线源,晶体弯曲固定在一个椭圆基底上,其表面构成椭圆柱面,射线源发出的X射线经晶体衍射后会聚于后焦线上,后焦线处放置一狭缝,通过狭缝的射线投射到探测面上被记录下来。
- No stress measurements or crack surface samples were available for examination, only the surface crack configuration. 没有应力测量或裂纹表面取样可用于检验,只能依据表面裂纹图形。
- A study of the surface crack at thread root of tool joint pins by the aid of finite element method. 石油钻杆公接头螺纹牙根部表面裂纹有限元计算
- Surface crack on teethclamp was studied by means of macroscopic and metallographic examination. 采用外观和金相检验等方法对牙钳表面裂纹进行了分析。
- The exterior surface crack is the most dangerous among crack defects of oil thimble. 套管裂纹缺陷中最危险的是表面裂纹,可分解成表面周向裂纹和表面轴向裂纹问题。
- During damage tolerance analysis, the probably crack types of key danger position are surface crack and edge angle crack in this article. 在损伤容限分析中,本文认为关键危险部位可能萌生的裂纹形态为表面裂纹与棱边角裂纹;
- Solving the corresponding differential equation, an analytical solution for the surface crack width of concrete covers is derived. 通过求解相应的微分方程,导出混凝土保护层表面裂缝宽度的解析解;
- There are four kinds of concrete appearance quality limitation:surface crack,surface dilapidation,asymmetry color and tendon-leakage. 砼外观质量的缺陷大致有:表面裂缝;表面破损;表面颜色不均匀:表面漏筋四方面,阐明了结合不同情况提出应采取的处理方法。
- Fatigue surface crack will initiate along the weld toe when tubular KK-joints in offshore platforms are subjected to cyclic loading for a long time. 摘要海洋平台中的KK管节点由于长期承受循环载荷而容易在焊缝处产生疲劳表面裂纹。
- This paper analyzes the composition of liquid steel on the high - temperature mechanical property of steel and longitudinal surface crack of CSP slab. 从钢水成分影响钢的高温力学性能的角度,研究钢水成分对钢的高温力学性能和CSP薄板坯表面纵裂的影响。
- It was concluded that this defect is not surface crack indeed,but cross extruded wrinkle rising from inhomogeneous deformation. 发现这种缺陷实际并非表面开裂,而是由于变形不均匀造成的横向挤压皱折。
- For surface crack in pipe, this paper presents the finite element model including line spring element that is used for J integration calculation,as well as numerical examples. 对管道上的表面裂纹采用线弹簧单元,建立了裂纹管道J积分计算的有限元模型,给出了J积分的计算实例。
- The prediction of geometric features of surface crack propagation under quasi-static loading is recognized as one of the attractive projects in LBB assessment. 表面裂纹准静态扩展的几何形貌变化规律的预测是破前漏(LBB)评判十分重要的课题之一。
- The Earth's path round the sun is elliptical. 地球绕太阳的轨道是椭圆形的。
- Based on the underground of high efficient CC in Ma steel,the longitudinal surface crack and centerline crack,the uppermost defects of beam blank CC production are studied. 本文针对马钢异型坯高效连铸的背景,分析了异型坯生产中铸坯质量的主要缺陷类型:表面纵裂和中心裂纹。
- The hoisting technique with button pole group was applied smoothly for installing the latticed shell with elliptic surface at Yuncheng Agriculture Exhibition Center. 摘要运城市农业会展中心椭圆曲面网壳结构安装,采用了以拔杆集群为主的吊装方法,保证了工程的顺利完工。
- An elliptical track, as for racing or athletic events. 椭圆形跑道如用于比赛或运动项目的椭圆形跑道