- Selenium dietary source 硒补充剂
- The seeds of this plant, widely used as a mild bulk laxative and sometimes added to foods as a dietary source of soluble fiber. 亚麻籽车前的籽这种植物的种子,作为温和的散装缓泻剂而被广泛使用,有时加在食物中作为可溶纤维的饮食上的来源
- Dark green, leafy produce, like broccoli, is a good dietary source of folic acid. 深绿色叶子菜如花菜是不错的摄取叶酸的来源。
- The seedsof this plant, widely used as a mild bulk laxative and sometimes added to foods as a dietary source of soluble fiber. 亚麻籽车前的籽这种植物的种子,作为温和的散装缓泻剂而被广泛使用,有时加在食物中作为可溶纤维的饮食上的来源。
- Milk and milk products are also the main dietary source of calcium and contribute significant amounts of vitamins A and D, and the B vitamins. 乳及乳制品也是Ca及va、VD、VB主要食物来源。
- The seeds of this plant,widely used as a mild bulk laxative and sometimes added to foods as a dietary source of soluble fiber. 亚麻籽车前的籽这种植物的种子,作为温和的散装缓泻剂而被广泛使用,有时加在食物中作为可溶纤维的饮食上的来源。
- The primary dietary source of the itamin is fortified milk, but the best way to increase itamin D leels is from exposure to sunshine. 饮食中维生素D的主要来源是强化乳,但是增加体内维生素D水平最好的办法是日光照射。
- Seafood - fish and shellfish - is the predominant dietary source of long-chain omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for development of the nervous system. 鱼类和贝类的海产品,富含神经系统发育所必须的长链-奥米加-3脂肪酸。
- New research finds, that coffee is rich in antioxidants, and, if drunk with milk, can also provide an important dietary source of bone building calcium. 新的研究发现:咖啡富含抗氧化剂,如果咖啡和牛奶一起喝,从食物途径上提供了构建骨骼的钙。
- The role of dietary sources of nucleotides in immune function: a review. 食物来源的核苷酸在免疫功能中的作用:一篇综述.
- Some fish are rich in vitamin D, but most foods are not, and fortification in dairy products is the most popular dietary source for many people, along with some supplementation when needed. 某些鱼类含有丰富的维生素D,但是大多数食品并不如此,对许多人来说多饮食乳制品是最流行的营养饮食方法,再加上一些必要的营养补充。
- Next, rumen outputs of amino acids are complemented with dietary sources that escape ruminal fermentation. 而且,在某些情况下产生的“潜在”效益可能会与在奶业生产中获得的利润同样多。
- Dietary sources, intake levels, physiological role, and requirement of major nutrients. 主要营养素的饮食来源、摄取量、生理功能与需求。
- Natural dietary sources of GGC are available, including milk whey protein and garlic.However, GGC is present only in relatively dilute concentrations. 包括牛奶乳清蛋白和大蒜的日常饮食来源的GGC是有活性的,但是其相对浓度过小。
- Fruits and beverages such as tea, red wine, cocoa, and coffee are major dietary sources of polyphenols, micronutrients found in plant-derived foods. 水果和饮料,例如茶、红酒、可可饮料和咖啡是主要的多酚类物质的饮食来源,多酚是一种存在于植物食物中的微量营养素。
- Natural dietary sources of GGC are aailable, including milk whey protein and garlic.Howeer, GGC is present only in relatiely dilute concentrations. 包括牛奶乳清蛋白和大蒜的日常饮食来源的GGC是有活性的,但是其相对浓度过小。
- The news comes from a reliable source. 这消息来自可靠的来源。
- The Recommended Daily Allowance is 1-2 micrograms and good dietary sources are meat (particularly liver), fish, eggs, dairy produce, fortified cereals and brewer’s yeast. 建议的每日津贴是1-2微克和良好的饮食来源是肉类(尤其是肝) ,鱼,蛋,奶类生产,强化谷物和啤酒酵母。
- Individuals who regularly and properly practice sun protection may be at risk for vitamin D insufficiency and may require a higher dose of vitamin D, either from dietary sources or from supplements. 那些定期适当锻炼并防晒的人也可能有维生素D不足的危险,他们可能也需要从食物或者补充剂中获取更高水平的维生素D。
- My wages are the principal source of my income. 薪金是我收入的主要来源。