- Selected Reading of Poetry 诗歌选读
- Selected Reading of German Poetry 德语诗歌选读
- A treatise on or study of poetry or aesthetics. 诗学论文对诗歌或美学的专论或研究
- Today's reading is excerpted from a collection of poetry by Byron. 今天的阅读材料摘自拜伦的一本诗集。
- What is her reading of the facts? 她对这些事实是怎么看的?
- Selected Reading of Chinese Dialectology 汉语方言学专书选读
- Selected Reading of Western Ethics Original Works 西方伦理学原著选读
- Selected Reading of the Hebrew Bible 希伯来圣经选读
- Selected Reading of American Culture 美国文选
- She gave a reading from her latest volume of poetry. 她朗诵了她最近出版的诗集里的一首诗。
- Selected Reading of British & American Literature 英美文学选读
- Selected Reading of the British Culture 英国文选
- Balanced, rhythmic flow, as of poetry or oratory. 韵律诗歌或演讲中持平稳的节奏
- Here, he read of dreadful crimes that made the blood run cold. 在这里,他读到使人毛骨悚然的可怖罪案。
- Do you have an intensive reading of English this term? 这个学期你们有英语精读课程吗?
- He tossed off a few verses of poetry. 他随手就写出了几段诗句。
- select reading of Japanese literature teaching 文学选读课
- The Romantic period is an age of poetry. 浪漫主义时代也是诗歌的时代。
- What he craved was books of poetry and chivalry. 他渴望得到的是诗集和骑士气概。
- The actor gave a dry reading of the lines. 演员把台词念得十分生硬