- Seeming never to grow old. 永不显老的;长生不老的看起来好象永远不会变老的
- He seems never to have put a foot wrong. 他似乎从不犯错。
- He seems never to have set a foot wrong. 他似乎从不犯错。
- His poems seem never to run dry. 他的诗歌写了一首又首,好像永远写不完似的。
- It's sad to grow old, but nice to ripen. 衰老固然令人难过,但成熟却是件好事。
- To hold your hand, to grow old with you. 执子之手,与子皆老。
- Everybody must expect to grow old. 每一个人都要变老的。
- And count stars while I wait to grow old. 一边等待变老一边数着星星。
- She seems never to put a foot wrong. 她似乎从来没有做过错事。
- I have a distinct sense of the passing of time, and I do want to grow old gracefully. I don't want to be some kind of ageing pop singer. 我明显地感到时光的流逝。岁月不饶人,我不想成为某种上了年纪的流行歌手。
- He seems never to lose his yourthful vigour. 他好像永远不会失去青春活力。
- The stale air seemed never to change. 宿浊难闻的空气,好象从来都没有换过一样。
- They seemed never to have heard its tones before. 他们过去好像从来未听到这样的声音。
- He seems never to lose his youthful vigour. 他好像永远不会失去青春活力。
- You seem never to think of yourself,and you're looking so tired. 你似乎从不替自己着想,看你显得多累呀。
- As the saying goes, @It's sad to grow old, but nice to ripen. 俗云:“衰老固然令人难过,但成熟却是件好事。”
- To grow old is a bad habit that a busy man will not allow himself. 繁忙的人不允许自己养成变老的习惯。
- The scary pert is he seems never to get along with anybody. 令人不安的是他似乎从不与任何人交往。
- The only failure is to grow old and not to have tried. 惟一的失败就是:我们长大变大,却不曾尝试过。
- Wishes you to grow old together, lives early expensively sub. 祝你们白头到老,早生贵子。