- It could increase the seed cotton weight per boll by 7.9% over the check, and add 6.2% of bolls the plot experiment. 在田间小区试验中;可使单铃子棉重量比对照增加7.;9%25;结铃数增加6
- Seed cotton weight per boll 单铃子棉重
- Earlier top shoot nipping of main stem could increase the number of bolls on vegetative branches, average weight per boll and lint percent. 简化整枝早打主茎顶心增加了叶枝结铃数,且单铃重和衣分略有提高。
- The increased dry weight per day per plant of SRSRT cotton from flowering stage to boll opening stage was more than that of SRTNS cotton and DS cotton. 开花期到吐絮期,基质育苗移栽棉花的单株干物重日积累量高于营养钵和直播。
- Fibre weight per boll 单铃纤维重
- The seed number and weight per ear increased by 24.2% and 26.77%,respectively. 单穗粒数和粒重分别比对照增加24.;2%25和26
- Picking is nearing completion in Zimbabwe and seed cotton deliveries are slowing. 津巴布韦新花采摘接近尾声,籽棉收购缓慢。
- The order of the seed yield components to its yield is weight per seed >seed numbers per spikelet >florets per spikelet >spikelets per shoot >shoots. 6个模型中,5个种子产量因子每提高1个单位对其种子产量的提高大小排序为单粒种子重>每小穗种子粒数>每小穗小花数>每生殖枝小穗数>生殖枝数。
- Will assure condition of make friends of seed cotton person through stoving, raise cotton ginning.. 通过烘干来保证籽棉人轧条件,提高轧花...
- Wood wool slabs. Measurement of density and weight per area. 木丝板。密度和表面密度的测定。
- On the condition of low temperature and normal temperature treating the seed cotton and the delinted seed cotton by H2SO4 with Carboxin. 在适和温度条件下,用卫福,华农,多菌灵,适时乐四种种衣剂对棉种的毛籽和硫酸脱绒籽进行处理。
- Max weight per piece is 997 kg, more with prior approval. 每件货件的重量不超过997公斤,超过该重量限制需事先申请。
- The results showed that chlormequat could regulate growth of cotton, increase pre-frost open boils and seed cotton yield. 对单株总铃数、铃重和衣分等影响不大;
- The results showed that there were positive correlations between the yield and HI, grain weight per plant, number of grains per panicle, seed seting percentage,grain density. 结果表明:产量与收获指数、单株粒重、每穗实粒数、结实率、着粒密度,收获指数与着粒密度、单位面积颖花生产力成正相关;
- Introduction It has many function, such as achieving seed cotton pricing, seedless cotton costing, compiling seed cotton pricing and settlement data and so on. 实现籽棉制价、皮棉成本核算、籽棉制价与结算数据汇总等功能。
- MICROFIBER AND BAMBOO: These won’t pass the cotton “weight test” because they are lighter and thinner than 100 percent cotton towels. 微纤维棉和竹棉毛巾: 这些棉毛巾不会通过棉料的“重量测试”,因为它们比纯棉毛巾更轻更薄。
- The Government of India (GOI) annually sets the MSP for each growth region, which represents the price at which the government will purchase seed cotton from farmers. 印度政府(GOI)每年规定各个种植区的最低支持价格,它代表了政府从农民手中收购籽棉的价格。
- Weight per piece from100 gm up to260 gm, every20 gm range as a grade. 每只重量从100克起至260克,20克为一个级差。
- The length of pod is about 26 cm and the weight per pod is about 29 g. 植株蔓生;商品荚白绿色;圆棍形;荚形指数0.;85;荚长26cm左右;单荚质量29g左右。
- Buying seed cotton, processing lint cotton, storing bales and selling bales are managed by the MIS (Management Information System) and it improves the information management level of cotton processing enterprises. 该系统将籽棉收购、皮棉加工、棉包仓储、棉包销售等环节都纳入到企业信息化管理中,大大提高了加工企业的信息化管理水平。