- Sedum wangiin. 德钦景天
- Sedum aizoon L.var.glabrifolium Kitag. 乳毛景天三七
- Pharmacognostical Study on Sedum aizoon L. 养心草的生药学研究。
- General research of Sedum aizoon L. 景天三七的现代研究进展。
- New taxa of Sedum from Hengduanshan in China. 中国横断山景天属新分类群.
- Revision of the section Oreades on Chinese Sedum. 中国景天属山景天组的修订.
- Chuhsingianum, a new subgenus of Sedum from China. 中国景天属一新亚属 -- 楚雄亚属.
- Study on the Chemical Constituents of Sedum aizoon L. 救心草的化学成分研究。
- The facilities' roof is lined with plants such as sedum. 该设施的屋顶是一条植物如垂。
- Sedum plumbizincicola X. H. Guo et S. B. Zhou sp. nov. 伴矿景天
- Stimulate the hair to be toughness, balance the perspire the sedum. 平衡皮脂分泌,健胸丰胸,刺激、强健头皮,护发、生发。
- Chinese records of Corylus wangii Hu (Betulaceae) have only been reported for northwestern Yunnan Province. 据报道,维西榛(Corylus wangii)仅分布在云南西北部。
- An analysis of local populations of the Sedum sarmentosum Bunge complex. 垂盆草种宗若干地方性群体的分析.
- New taxa of subgenus Sedum and a new combination of Hylotelephium from China. 文章题目 中国景天亚属的新分类群和八宝属一新组合.
- Two new species of the genus Hedyotis L. (Rubiaceae) from southern China, H. wangii and H. yazhouensis, are described and illustrated. 关键词:茜草科,耳草属,启无耳草,崖州耳草,新种,中国|全部关键词
- Specimens collected from eastern Sichuan and deposited inPE were recently identified as C. wangii, This represents a new distribution for the species. 我们鉴定了中国科学院植牧研究所标本馆(PE)的标本,发现了该种在四川东部的新分布。
- The Extracting Conditions and Determination of Total Phenolic Acid in Sedum aizoon L. 景天三七中总酚酸提取条件及含量分析研究。
- Conclusion:The major composition of the essential oil in Sedum sarmentosum Bunge is fatty acid. 结论:垂盆草挥发油主要成分为脂肪酸及脂肪酮类化合物。
- Microwave Extraction and Content Determination of Polysaccharide from Sedum hybridum L. 景天多糖的微波提取及含量测定
- Definition: Stringy Stonecrop Herb is the fresh or dried herb of Sedum sarmentosum Bunge (Fam. 本品为景天科植物垂盆草 Sedum sarmentosum Bunge 的新鲜或干燥全草。