- A nonbarbiturate sedative and hypnotic drug,C13H15NO2. 苯乙哌啶酮一种非巴比妥酸盐镇静剂和催眠药,
- A nonbarbiturate sedative and hypnotic drug, C13H15NO2. 苯乙哌啶酮一种非巴比妥酸盐镇静剂和催眠药,
- A trademark used for a hypnotic drug prescribed for insomnia. 盐酸氟胺安定商标名,用于为失眠而指定的安眠药
- Zaleplon,a new sedative hypnotic drug was synthesized from acetophenone by nitration,reduction,acylation,condensation,hydrocarbylation,and cyclization. 以苯乙酮为原料,经硝化、还原、酰化、缩合、烃化、环合反应合成了新型镇静催眠药扎来普隆,总收率为221%25。
- Second, eat a little calm, hypnotic drug treatment. 二、吃一点镇静、安眠的药物辅助治疗。
- Objective:To investigate the condition of the retired veterans in Fuzhou City who took sedative and hypnotic drugs. 目的:了解福州市军队离退休老年人服用镇静催眠药的情况。
- Dalmane:a trademark used for a hypnotic drug prescribed for insomnia. "盐酸氟胺安定:商标名;用于为失眠而指定的安眠药.;"
- OBJECTIVE: To summarize the aspect of the research work and clinical application of non-benzodiazepine sedative hypnotic drugs, and reflect the progress of this kind of drugs. 目的:评价非苯二氮类催眠药作用研究和临床应用,反映催眠药进展的侧面。
- OBJECTIVE:To summarize the aspect of the research work and clinical application of non-benzodiazepine sedative hypnotic drugs,and reflect the progress of this kind of drugs. 目的:评价非苯二氮类催眠药作用研究和临床应用,反映催眠药进展的侧面。
- Synthesis of Zaleplon as a New Sedative and Hypnotic Drug 新型镇静催眠药扎来普隆的合成
- non- benzodiazepine sedative hypnotic drugs 非苯二氮[艹卓]类催眠药
- Sleeping pills is not a drug, but with a stable, peaceful and music, such as phenobarbital hypnotic drugs collectively. 安眠药不是一种药物,而是指含有安定、安泰乐、苯巴比妥等催眠药物的总称。
- a sedative and hypnotic drug; withdrawn from sale after discovered to cause severe birth defects 镇静催眠药;被发现影响生育后限制出售
- The doctor gave him a sedative to help him sleep. 医生给了他镇静剂帮助他入睡。
- a sedative and hypnotic drug; withdrawn from sale after discovered to cause severe birth defects. 镇静催眠药;被发现影响生育后限制出售。
- Improvement on the Synthetic Technology of Zaleplon as a New Sedative and Hypnotic Drug 新型镇静催眠药扎来普隆的合成工艺改进
- The nurse diluted the drug with saline water. 护士用生理盐水把药加以稀释。
- A potentially habit - forming drug, C16H14N2O, used as a sedative and hypnotic. 安眠酮有潜在的使人上瘾的功能的药,C16H14N2O,用作镇静和安眠药
- Read the bedtime story in a hypnotic voice. 用催眠的声音读睡前的故事
- A potentially habit - forming drug,C16H14N2O,used as a sedative and hypnotic. 安眠酮有潜在的使人上瘾的功能的药,C16H14N2O,用作镇静和安眠药